Reconciliation Training

Reconciliation Training

This article will provide a simple end to end breakdown of how you can go about uploading your carrier invoices and analyse them for charge discrepancies. We will also advise on how you can go about dealing with these discrepancies either rejecting them or accepting them. 

How to Setup and Utilise Reconciliation Tolerances

The first step when looking to reconcile your carrier invoices would be to set up your tolerances. These tolerances will allow you to automatically reconcile small discrepancies so that your time can be best spent focussing on the consignments that matter:


What are Tolerances and How can they be Used

How to Upload Carrier Invoices

The first step for any reconciliation will be uploading your carrier invoices into MachShip. Below the Customer Success team will run you through how easily you can facilitate this in the MachShip freight management system:

How to Import Carrier Invoices

How to Create the Generic Invoice CSV

MachShip will enable you to upload the invoice file that you receive from your carriers as long as it is in a well-structured data format - this would include xlsx, csv or XML. Should this not be the case, an example of this would be if the carrier sent you a pdf, you can utilise the fallback option of the MachShip generic invoice format.

In the video below our team will give you the easy steps by which you can facilitate this:

How to set up the Machship Generic Invoice Template

How to Deal with Unmatched Invoice Entries

You may find that there are certain charges which when uploaded into MachShip do not match up to a created consignments. These will be defined as Unmatched Invoice Entries. In the below we will provide you with an easy to follow step by step guide on how you can:

- Delete these charges from the analysed data
- Reject the charge and request a credit
- Link the charge to a created consignment
- Create a Consignment from the charge details and reconcile it against you carrier rates. 

Unmatched Invoice Entries


How to investigate Charge Discrepancies

Follow our guide below as we teach you how MachShip will provide you with the tools to investigate the reasons as to why a carrier has charged you a higher amount then you are expecting on a created consignment. 

Ways to Ascertain Reasons for Charge Discrepancies

How to Reprice and Invoice or Consignment 

Should you find that the charge discrepancy is due to an incorrectly updated rate or fuel levy then please follow the guide below as we provide you with the details on how you can re-price a consignment or an invoice with the updated figures.

Re-Price and Individual Consignment

Re-Price a Whole Invoice

How to Reject Part or All of a Carrier Charge

If you wish to reject and raise a credit for part or all of a carrier charge please follow our simple step by step guide. Also see how you can download the MachShip created credit request form which you can send off to your carrier or account manager to raise a credit claim. 

Reject a Carrier Invoice Entry in Full

Reject the Extra Charge from the Carrier and Accept the original Quote

How to Download the MachShip Credit Request Form

How to Accept a Charge Discrepancy

Should you find that the extra charge from the carrier is warranted then please follow the simple instructions below that will allow you to accept a charge discrepency in MachShip

How to Accept a Charge Discrepancy

How to Bulk Accept Charge Discrepecies

Should you find that a large number of extra charges from your carrier are warranted then please follow the simple instructions below that will allow you to bulk accept a charge discrepencies in MachShip


Invoice Reconciliation Run-Through

Below we will run your through a large number of different scenarios where our support team will advise you on reconcilaition investigation techniques, rejection and accepting carrier charges.

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