How to re-price individual Consignments - via the Consignment Grid

How to re-price individual Consignments - via the Consignment Grid

Note: Repricing consignments, as the name suggests, re-calculates the cost of a consignment against the most up-to-date lane rates, fuel surcharges, and surcharges in MachShip. If you have applied any custom or manual pricing to a consignment, please be aware that these will be re-priced against the stored values in MachShip. 

A consignment can be repriced by accessing the standard drop-down cog which is available on any of the Consignment grid, view screens, or the balance screen.  

How to navigate to the Consignment Grid

There are 2 ways you can navigate to the Consignment Grid.

1. Navigate to the Create/ Manage drop-down, which is located at the top of the screen. Scroll down to the Consignments section and click on Active, Complete, or All Consignments. 

Searching for your manifested consignments using the different filters/search engine:


  • Company and Include Child Companies - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.
  • Carrier - If you wish to run a report on a specific carrier
  • Servicedisabled
  • Filter by Destination State - can set the state-preferred
  • Filter by Date - set to Yes/No, enables you to set the date range filter and set the filter by despatch  date or ETA/completed
  • Search text bar - general free text bar to show specific data of preference.



  • Company and Include Child Companies - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.
  • Carrier - If you wish to run a report on a specific carrier
  • Servicedisabled
  • Filter by Destination State - can set the state-preferred
  • Date Range Filter
  • Filter by Despatch Date or Filter by ETA/Completed
  • Search text bar - general free text bar to show specific data of preference.



  • Company and Include Child Companies - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.
  • Carrier - If you wish to run a report on a specific carrier
  • Servicedisabled
  • Filter by Status - can be set/filtered out to Unmanifested, Active, Completed, Deleted or Cancelled.
  • Filter by Destination State - can set the state-preferred
  • Date Range Filter
  • Filter by Despatch Date or Filter by ETA/Completed
  • Search text bar - general free text bar to show specific data of preference.


Once you have found the correct consignment, click on the Cog to expand your options.

2. Via the Consignment URL

To navigate to the view consignment page use the below link:<insert MachShip ID>

Note: After the view/ you will need to place the MachShip number ID. This can be obtained by removing the MS prefix from the MS number and stripping off any 0's before the first number. 

For example, the MS number MS00123456 would have the ID 123456. 

How to re-price the Consignment

On the cog options list scroll down to Reprice Consignments.

A Reprice Consignment prompt will pop up to confirm you are repricing the correct consignment. Click Reprice Consignment.

If all is successful, you'll see a green Consignments repriced successfully prompt in the top right-hand side of the screen.

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