How to set up the MachShip Generic Carrier Invoice Template

How to set up the MachShip Generic Carrier Invoice Template

Many carriers do not have the accounting functionality to provide a client with a csv version of their invoice and as such, they will provide a copy of the invoice in PDF format.

The MachShip system does not map up PDF's due to the formatting not always being readable. In order to provide a way to get these invoice entries into MachShip, the generic invoice format can be utilised to successfully import that carrier invoice into the system. 

Creating the Generic Invoice CSV

The generic invoice has a set of minimum fields which are required to correctly map and reconcile a consignment these are shown below:


 The minimum fields are:

  • InvoiceDate - This will be the billing period.
  • Date - This is the date the consignment was sent to the carrier. 
  • CarrierRef - This will be the consignment note number or job number. It will be an internal reference in the carrier's system.
  • RoutePrice - This will be the total of the base price figure and the surcharges. This figure should contain everything except the fuel levy and the GST. 
  • Tax - This will be the GST amount
  • FuelSurcharge - This is the amount charged by the carrier for fuel. 
  • Total - This will be the total of the RoutePrice, GST, and FuelSurcharge. 

If required, users can also add in a number of other fields. The more information that is provided, the more the MachShip system can use to map up. If you are importing consignments which have not been created in MachShip, it is suggested that you add as many of the applicable fields as you can. 

These fields are listed below:

  • SenderRef - This will be the MS number (MachShip Number - this is found in the first column on any of the data grids in MachShip).
  • CarrierManifestRef - This will be a reference for the Manifest.
  • CustomerRef - You internal reference - Invoice number, Purchase order number.
  • CarrierAccountCode - The carrier account code which has been used in MachShip.
  • CarrierAccountName - The Name of the carrier account used in MachShip.
  • ServiceCode - The code of the service that the freight was sent on.
  • ServiceName - The name of the service the freight was sent on.
  • ToAddress - The address of the receiver.
  • ToName - The Name of the receiver.
  • ToSuburb - The Suburb of the receiver.
  • ToPostcode - The Postcode of the receiver.
  • ToState - The State of the receiver.
  • ToZoneCode - The carriers Delivery Zone code of the receiver.
  • FromAddress - The address of the Sender.
  • FromName - The Name of the Sender.
  • FromSuburb - The Suburb of the Sender.
  • FromPostcode - The Postcode of the Sender.
  • FromState - The State of the Sender.
  • FromZoneCode - The carrier Pickup Zone code of the Sender.
  • Quantity - The number of items sent.
  • Volume - The total volume of the item send.
  • ChargeWeight - The total charge weight of the movement. 
  • IsInternational  -  True or False on it the invoice entry relates to an International Consignment
  • IntFromCity -  International From City
  • IntFromProvince -International From province
  • IntFromCountryCode  International From Country Code
  • IntFromPostcode  - International from Postcode
  • IntToCity -  International To City
  • IntToProvince -  International To Province
  • IntToCountryCode -  International To Postcode
  • IntToPostcode  International To Postcode

You can feel free to add some, none or all of the above. But remember you MUST have the minimum fields outlined above contained in the spreadsheet. 

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