How to reject a charge discrepancy and accept the original quote.

How to reject a charge discrepancy and accept the original quote.

When there is a charge discrepancy based on the upload of a carrier invoice, users will have the option to:

  • Accept the charge discrepancy
  • Accept part of the charge discrepancy 
  • Reject the discrepancy and accept the original quote
  • Reject the total charge

Below is a description on how to reject a charge discrepancy and accept the original quote.  

1. Navigate to the Balance Screen 

This can be completed by a few methods which are discussed in the article here, but the most common method will be when you are on the view invoice consignments screen which will be outlined below. 

Select the Finance drop-down and View Carrier Invoices.

 MachShip has provided a few ways to help you narrow down the search using the below filters:

  • Company - Will search for all invoices relating to this Company Name.
  • Carrier - Will search for all invoices relating to this Carrier.
  • General Search - Entering keywords, MachShip will filter through all invoices and return any invoices with relating words.

Once you have found the correct invoice, click on the Cog to expand your options.

Select View Consignments.

Find the invoice entry that needs to be reconciled, click the cog, and select Balance.

2. Go to the Unaccepted Carrier Invoice Entries section

The Unaccepted Carrier Invoices section will display all of the invoice entries that have generated the discrepancy and the details from the carrier regarding the discrepancy. To see the information click on each of the invoice entry tiles.

Details of the consignment:

3. Select Reject Difference


4. Assign the Reason for the Rejection of the Charge Discrepancy

When any charge is rejected users will need to provide a reason for this rejection. This rejection reason will be placed on the MachShip Credit Request form. The MachShip Credit Request form can be provided to the carrier once an invoice has been reconciled and it will list all of the consignments with disputed charges and the reason for the dispute. The article at this link describes how this form can be downloaded. 

Once you have selected Reject Difference the Amend Carrier Invoice Entry modal will appear.

Select a Rejection Reason (This will be selected from the Amend Reason dropdown). This can be from one of MachShip's preset reasons - listed below:

Then provide any supporting comments.

MachShip will have filled out the Base Price, FS (fuel surcharge) and the Tax amount based on the difference between the MachShip quote and the Carriers Charge

Ensure this is correct then select Add Amendment

The Unaccepted Carrier Invoice Entries section will show the amended amount along with the stated reason for the amendment:

If this is correct select Accept Amended.

5. Select Balance

Select the Balance Consignments button.

MachShip will update the consignment and confirm it has been balanced with the green success bar shown below:

 The consignment will also have its reconciliation status set to be Reconciled.

How to Reject Charges across multiple consignments in Bulk. 
Should there be multiple invoice entries that you would like to reject difference find the applicable invoice and select View Consignments.


This will bring you through to the View Carrier Invoice Consignments page. Here you would select the invoice lies you would like to reject via the tick box on the left-hand side

Select Actions and select Reject All Selected


You would then select the Rejection Reason; note that this will show on the credit request form,

Any further comments can then be provided in the comments section

Once complete, select Apply Changes, and the selected consignments will have the full carrier charge rejected. 

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