Reconciliation balance screen

Reconciliation balance screen

The Balance screen will list and contain all of the financial and operational information relating to a consignment in MachShip.

The Balance screen can be accessed via any of the drop-down cogs:

Or via the View Consignments page when reconciling:

It can be split into 4 distinct areas:

1. MachShip information

The top section of the balance screen will show all of the information that was provided to MachShip and that was used to generate the quote. 


 The MachShip information section will be split into:

I. Consignment and Carrier information

This will include all pickup, delivery, item, tracking, and routing information. 

II. MachShip Quote information

Will list the price breakdown of a consignment.

III. Consignment administration

Allow a user to put a consignment on hold or remove a consignment that is on hold. This is outlined in the following articles

On hold

Off hold

The administration section will also enable a user to update references, change the carrier consignment ID, set the consignment for pre-authorisation for invoicing (explained in this article), or change the owning company.

2. Unaccepted Carrier Invoice Entries

If an invoice entry has not been reconciled, then the information obtained from the invoice upload will be listed in the Unaccepted Carrier Invoice Entries section. 

This section will list each invoice entry that has yet to be balanced as tiles, an example of this is shown below:

As can be seen, the tile will list the name of the invoice file that was uploaded and the Ex Tax total of the entry and it will be shown as a status of Pending. The pending status is relevant to freight resellers and indicates that the charge has yet to be invoiced out. 

By clicking on the tile, the entry will be expanded and will list all of the relevant information that MachShip was able to map off the carrier's invoice. 

In the example below, you will see the fields that were able to be obtained from the carrier TNT's invoice. Each carrier will have different details on their invoices.

3. Accepted Consignment Entries

An Accepted Consignment Entry is an invoice entry that has been reconciled or balanced within tolerances.

As a default, the tile will appear as below:

This indicates that there has not yet been a reconciled charge against this entry. 

  • When a charge discrepancy is rejected or the discrepancy is below the MachShip quoted amount:

  • When there is an accepted extra charge:

As can be ascertained a Consignment Charge is a charge generated due to the MachShip quote and a Reconciliation Charge is an extra charge created due to reconciling a carrier invoice. 

4. Notes

The notes section will have a chronological list of all of the events that have affected a consignment or manifest and also who conducted them. 

Example below:

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