How to put a Consignment on hold for Reconciliation or Invoicing

How to put a Consignment on hold for Reconciliation or Invoicing

After the manifesting process, consignment details are set and a consignment cannot be edited in MachShip. We understand that changes may take place to the physical goods after manifesting and that this could potentially affect the price. 

In order to allow users the ability to force manual intervention when either reconciling or invoicing out a consignment, MachShip has the functionality to set a consignment to be On Hold

Note: by default MachShip will put a consignment On Hold for both invoicing and reconciliation when the sell price is lower than the cost price. You can change these defaults on the company page and this is outlined in the invoice settings section in the following link

How to put a Consignment on Hold

Consignments can be put on hold in the following ways:

Via the Consignment Cog

The consignment cog can be accessed via the View Consignment Page.

Navigate to Create/ Manage drop-down, in the Consignments section select Active Consignments.

Search for the consignment you wish to put on hold, click on the Cog, and select Hold Consignment.

This will prompt the Hold Consignment modal to appear. Select the options you would like to put the consignment on hold for and assign a reason.

Select Save and you will see the below success icon.

The reason will then be updated against the notes.

Via the Balance Screen

Navigate to the balance screen: 

1. Search for the consignment in the Active Consignments Page.

Navigate to Create/ Manage drop-down, in the Consignments section select Active Consignments.

Search for the consignment you wish to put on hold, click on the Cog, and select Balance Consignment.

2. Via the View Carrier Invoices page.

Select Finance drop-down, and then select View Carrier Invoices.

From the Manage Invoices screen, find the invoice which the consignment is on. MachShip has provided a way to help you narrow down the search for your invoice with filters for:

  • Company - Will search for all invoices relating to the Company Name.
  • Carrier - Will search for all invoices relating to the Carrier.
  • General Search - If you are unsure on the above details, you are able to do a search for the invoice using the Invoice number or Filename.

Once you have found the correct invoice, click on the Cog to expand your options. Scroll down to View Consignments.

Find the consignment you would like to put on Hold and click on the Cog drop-down. Once it has opened, click on Balance.

Step 1: Place the consignment on Hold:

Under the Consignment Subheading, you will find Hold Consignment. Set the tag to be Yes for either on Hold for Invoicing or Hold for ReconciliationMachShip will then ask you to enter in a reason to proceed. This is a free text field. 

Select the Update Consignment Details button. 

A green prompt will come up in the top right-hand corner of the screen if it has successfully put the consignment on hold.

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