How to set up Sell Rates if you are a Freight Reseller

How to set up Sell Rates if you are a Freight Reseller

In order to provide your clients access to your transport accounts, you will need to link then to a sell account or Company Carrier Account.

How to Navigate to the Create Company Carrier Account Page

The Company Carrier Account create page can be accessed in 2 ways:

1. Via Admin drop-down and Company Carrier Account

2.  Via the links in the top right of any Company Carrier Account related page. 

The Create Company Carrier Account page can also be accessed at the following link

How to Create a Company Carrier Account

The Company Carrier Account page can be split into the following sections:


In order to uniquely identify the account, users will need to provide:

  • Name - This is a free text field and it's simply used as a unique identifier
  • Abbreviation - This is a free text field and it's simply used as a unique identifier
  • Carrier - Carrier for which you wish to access the rates. Once the first 2 characters are entered MachShip will provide a list to select from

  • Carrier Account - Once a carrier is selected use the drop-down to select which account you wish to provide this client access to. 

    Company - Select the client or company to which you want to assign the sell rates to. Once the first 3 characters are entered MachShip will provide a list to select from



The markups section will enable the user to define how they would like to sell the rates. Should you just wish to use the rates as they are provided by the carrier then set the markup to be 0%. 

There are 3 distinct types of markups. These are:

  • Percentage of Cost - MachShip will apply the sell as per the percentage provided. For example: if you populate the total markup box with 25 then the cost price will be sold at 1.25 times. 
  • Dollar Increase - Dollar Increase will take the cost price and add on the figure provided in the total box. For example: if you populate the total box with $1 then MachShip will increase the Breaks, Basic and Minimum by $1. So the total margin would be $2 if the cost was higher than the minimum, or $1 if it was equal to the minimum. 
  • Dollar Total Override - Total Dollar Override will take the cost price and override the figure with the total provided. For example: if you populate the total box with $1 then MachShip will override the Breaks, Basic and Minimum figure with $1 so MachShip will sell the freight for $2 no matter the cost or $1 if the cost is less than the minimum. 
Please note that MachShip will automatically create a 0% markup Company Carrier Account when you create a Carrier Account. This will be created against the company who owns the Carrier Account. 
Create Company Carrier Account
To create the company carrier account after setting the Admin and the Mark-ups select the Save Company Carrier Account button.


Advanced Options:  

Below you will find a list of the advanced capabilities on the Company Carrier Account page.  

The Disabled flag will provide the ability to switch on and off access for that company to those rates. This will be utilised if you wish to stop using the carrier for a period of time or if you need to place an account on hold.


The Inheritable flag will provide the ability to assign out a carrier account (i.e a house account) to all of your clients like Saved Locations and Saved Items having this flag set to be Yes will mean that even without a direct Company Carrier Account link, the child company can consign on that account with the mark-up you have specified. This can be a large timesaver when setting new carriers in the platform. Not that any direct Company Carrier Account that is set up against a client will have its sell prices take precedence over an inherited account


If required, you can also change the Cubic Conversion Factor and the Fuel Surcharge for the sell rate compared to the cost rate.

You can also assign a different markup for the breaks, the basic and the minimum. This is controlled through the three flags in the markups section. 

Limit Sell prices to Ratecard Sell Rates:
If you wish to just provide this client with a set of negotiated sell rates then you will need to:
1. Create the Company Carrier Account as described above
2. Select the Limit Sell Prices to Ratecard Sell Rates option shown below:

3. Import and link your sell ratecard as described here

Valid Services:

If you have been given a set of rates which contain a series of services, which you do not wish to make applicable to your client or user, you are able to list which services you wish to display by selecting Yes on the "Do you want to limit the valid services" flag. 

Once yes is selected you choose which services you want to ALLOW access to through the drop-down and selecting the plus. These will then be listed as below:

Once the service has been set it will appear as below:
Service and Lane Sell Rates
Once you have created the carrier you will have the ability to set Service Mark-upslane Sell Mark-ups or a Sell Ratecard
An example of a service level sell rate would be selling Startrack's EXP service as 15% markup and the FPP service with an 8% markup. A lane sell rate would be selling Melbourne to Brisbane as 40% and Melbourne to Sydney as 25%. 
Please see the following documents on how to up any of the advance sell options please review the articles below:

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