How to create Service Sell Rates

How to create Service Sell Rates

If a user needs to create a set of mark-ups, commonly called sell rates, which are different based on the service that is selected, then you will need to create Service Sell Rates. 

Service Sell Rates can only be added to an existing Company Carrier Account. To do this you will need to navigate through to the Edit Company Carrier Account page.

How to Navigate to the Edit Company Carrier Account Page

1. Select Admin and Company Carrier Accounts

2. Select the Applicable Account

Using either the Company, Carrier or the Carrier Account filters or alternatively via the search bar, find and select the desired Company Carrier Account. 

Select the cog on the right-hand side and select the option Edit Company Carrier Account.

How to Create a Service Sell Rate

Once on the Edit Company Carrier Page scroll down to the bottom and select Create Service Sell Rate.

This will prompt the Create Service Sell Rate modal to appear.

To create the Service Sell Rate:

1. Select the Service

From the drop-down select the relevant service you wish to apply the markup to.

Note: This drop down will show all services applicable to that carrier not just those on the carrier account.

2. Set the Markup

There are 3 distinct types of markups. These are:

  • Percentage of Cost - MachShip will apply the sell as per the percentage provided. For example: If you populate the total markup box with 25 then the cost price will be sold at 1.25 times. 
  • Dollar Increase - Dollar Increase will take the cost price and add on the figure provided in the total box. For example: If you populate the total box with $1 then MachShip will increase the Breaks, Basic and Minimum by $1. So the total margin would be $2 if the cost was higher than the minimum, or $1 if it was equal to the minimum. 
  • Dollar Total Override - Total Dollar Override will take the cost price and override the figure with the total provided. For example: If you populate the total box with $1 then MachShip will override the Breaks, Basic and Minimum figure with $1 so MachShip will sell the freight for $2 no matter the cost or $1 if the cost is less than the minimum. 

These markups can be applied as:

  • Total Markup

When you select the Total Markup then MachShip will adjust all of the Basic, Minimum, and Breaks by the markup type selected and the markup figure provided.

Beware this works most efficiently with the Percentage of Cost mark-up. The reason for this is that as mentioned above the Total Mark-Up will change all of the Basic, Minimum and Breaks therefore when you use either the Dollar Increase or the Dollar Total Override you are changing the rate figures rather than the final calculated figure. 

As an example, if you have the following rate structure:

Basic - $10

Min - $12

Breaks - $.25 per kilo. 

Total Dollar override markup of $1 will make it the following:

Basic - $1

Min - $1

Breaks - $1 per kilo. 

Dollar Increase markup of $1 will make it the following:

Basic - $11

Min - $13

Breaks - $1.25 per kilo. 

So due to the above, it is recommended that you test all sell rates set up. 

  • Basic Markup

This markup will upsell the cost set basic figure by the chosen markup price.  

  • Minimum Markup

This markup will upsell the cost set Minimum figure by the chosen markup price.  

  • Breaks Markup

 This markup will upsell the cost set Breaks figure by the chosen markup price.  

3. Set a sell Cubic Conversion Factor or Fuel Surcharge (Optional)

Should you wish to calculate the sell rates on a different cubic conversion factor or fuel surcharge to the cost rate calculation, you can set these in the service sell rate modal.

Note: If these are left blank then MachShip will default to use the cubic conversion factor and the fuel surcharge against the carrier account.

4. Set Hard Set Sell Price or Hard Set Route Sell Price (Optional)

If you wish to sell a service at a set price (no matter the cost price) then you can create a Hard Set Sell Price. Against the service, you will see that there is the ability to set this price against either the total price (including fuel and GST) or the route price (excluding surcharges, fuel and GST). 

5. Set Max Total Surcharge Sell Price or Max Total Fuel Exempt Surcharge Sell Price (Optional)

If you wish to set a maximum sell price on the total calculated surcharges or the fuel exempt surcharge figure, then you can create a Max Total Sell Price. This will result in the surcharge sell price not exceeding the figure provided in the input box, no matter the calculated cost amount. 

6. Create the Service Sell Rate

Once created the Service Sell Rate will appear in the grid as below:

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