How to set up a new Carrier Account with an existing Carrier checklist

How to set up a new Carrier Account with an existing Carrier checklist

If you are looking to set up and create a new Carrier Account for a Carrier which you are already dispatching with, then follow the checklist below.

Note: You should already have access to the carrier and a fuel surcharge set up.

1. Check if you need to contact the carrier for any specific setup options and ensure you have the rate card

Previously you would have obtained some carrier-specific account information. Each carrier is outlined in an article at the link below.

Carrier Specific Options

You may need to request some new information specific to this account, it would be suggested you read the documentation in the link above for the latest information regarding Carriers setup. 

Should you have any queries regarding this please contact

2. Create the Carrier Account and Apply the Specific Options

This is outlined at the link below.

Carrier Accounts

Step 1 and Step 2 are both outlined in the video below:

3. Setup the Rate Card Import

Using the rate card you were provided by the carrier. In section 3 please convert to the MachShip rate card import. Please use the links below if there are any queries.

CSV Rate Card Import checklist

How to set up the Rate Card for Accumulative Pricing 

How to set up the Rate Card for Break Pricing

To see an example of how we have created the MachShip ratecard import from a series of Item (Pieces), Weight and Volume rates, please refer to the video below:

4.  Import the Rate Card

This is outlined at the link below.

How to import and create a New Ratecard

5.  Add in any Surcharges

How to Create Surcharges 

You will now be able to despatch using this account.