How to set up a Rate Card for Accumulative Pricing

How to set up a Rate Card for Accumulative Pricing

Accumulative pricing involves pricing each kilo, piece, km or cubic metre in its applicable weight, volume, piece or distance break. 

For example, if we had the below rates and an 11-kilogram consignment. 

From ZoneTo ZoneBasic (inc 5 kg)0-56-1010+

To compare the calculated difference between Accumulative pricing and Break pricing:

Weight1 kg2 kg3 kg4 kg5 kg6 kg7 kg8 kg9 kg10 kg11 kgTotal
Accumulative         1.50         1.50         1.50         1.50         1.50         1.25         1.25         1.25         1.25         1.25         1.00       14.75
Break Pricing         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00         1.00       11.00

As can be seen with Accumulative pricing each weight figure is priced as per the break it sits in, and Break rates are priced by finding the break (based on the weight, distance, volume or number of items) and calculating the whole figure based on the price in that break.

Accumulative pricing will need to be utilised when your rate card prices like any of the examples below. The example rate card import file will be shown after the standard Carrier, Account, Service, From Zone, To Zone, Reciprocal and Cubic Conversion fields have been removed.

To understand how to fill these fields please read the article at this link.

Example 1: Weight included in the basic

From ZoneTo ZoneBasic (inc 5 kg)Per Kilo


BasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice
150WEIGHT 050WEIGHT 6 0.45
150WEIGHT 050WEIGHT 6 0.65

Example 2: Price for set weight amounts

From ZoneTo Zone1kg3kg5kg5kg+ (per kilo)




BasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice

In the example above you will need to understand how the accumulative pricing works and that if you send for example 2 kilos of freight, you will be charged the full 3-kilo price - it is the 2nd kilo which actually causes the price increase and not the 3rd kilo.

Example 3: Price per Item

From ZoneTo ZoneFirst Pallet/Carton2nd Pallet/Carton3rd Pallet / Carton +




BasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice

In the instance above the abbreviation for the carrier item type is PAL (pallet) and CTN (carton).

Example 4: Set Price per Weight Amount

From ZoneTo ZonePer 25 Kilo


BasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice
10.820WEIGHT 0250WEIGHT 262610.82WEIGHT 27500WEIGHT 515110.82WEIGHT 52750
7.650WEIGHT 0250WEIGHT 26267.65WEIGHT 27500WEIGHT 51517.65WEIGHT 52750

Example 5: Price per chunk - Distance

From ZoneTo Zone15km30km50km




BasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice


If there is any confusion on the above, or how your rate card should be put together please contact

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