How to run the Consignment Audit Report

How to run the Consignment Audit Report

The Consignment Audit Report contains a full list of consignment, DIFOT and price data for all consignments created over a period of time. The report will run data for all companies in your company tree or the company tree for the company you are impersonating. 

How to generate the Consignment Audit Report

1. Impersonate the company or the Parent Company for the organisation you wish to run the data for. If you wish to run it for your organisation ensure that you are not impersonating any company. How to impersonate is described at the following link.

2. Click the Reports drop-down, and select Consignment Audit Report.

3. The Consignment Audit Report modal will appear. Set the Date Range.

 Select a Filter that the Date Range Applies to.

  • Despatch Date - Date that the consignment was expected to be picked up or dropped off to the carrier. 
  • ETA date - Date that the consignment was expected to be completed.
  • Complete Date - Date that the consignment was completed.
  • Created Date - Date that the consignment was created.

4. Enter a Carrier (Optional).

If you wish to run the report for a specific carrier then start typing in the carrier name, MachShip will auto-generate a list of carriers that are valid in the system. You can type in the carrier's name in the below text box and select from the list that will appear.

5. Set if the report should show Item Information:


If you set this to be Yes, MachShip will produce the report which has the item type, dimensions and the carrier commodity that was charged. This will be presented on different lines with all information duplicated. 

6. Add Tags to filter by or to exclude

  • Tags to Filter By – This will give you the ability to adjust the data you wish to return on the report. If you wish to run a report just on specific carrier accounts linked to a tag, you can do it by putting in the tag or tags in the Tags to Filter By section, The report will then only include the consignments created under those accounts.
  • Tags to Exclude – If you want to exclude or filter out specific carrier accounts in your report. You can use this filter and put in the tags linked to the accounts you wish to exclude from the report. This will then exclude data from that carrier account.

Note: You can put in multiple tags on the modal

If you want to know how these tags are created, it is outlined here.

7. Once you have filled in your chosen fields, click Generate Report to CSV or the button with the UP arrow for more options. 

  • Generate Report to Excel
  • Generate Report to CSV via Notification
  • Generate Report to Excel via Notification

The report will run in the background if the option to Generate Report to CSV via Notification or Generate Report to Excel via Notification were selected, you will get a notification once the report has been generated on your main dashboard. Click on the notification to download the report.

You will also get notified via email. The email body will show all the fields that were filled in. Click on the link to download the report.

How to read the Consignment Audit Report

The report will contain the following fields:

Date Created - The date that the consignment was created in MachShip.

Despatch Date - The date that the consignment was expected to be picked up or dropped off to the carrier. This will be the date that was used to generate the ETA date.

MachShip Number - The MachShip reference number.

Carrier Number - The number used to identify the consignment in the carrier's system.

Carrier Name - The name of the carrier the consignment was sent with. 

Carrier Service Name and Abbreviation -  The service the consignment was sent on. 

Company Name and Account Code - The company that the consignment was created against.

Customer Reference - Reference 1 on the consignment.

Customer Reference 2 - Reference 2 on the consignment.

Tracking Status - The current tracking status of the consignment.

From and To Name, Suburb, Postcode and Time Zone - The From and To name, suburb, postcode and time zone of the consignment. 

Number, Volume, and Weight of Items - The total number of items, cubic metres, and kilos on the consignment.

Cost Price Base - The cost based on the rate card and any optional or automatic surcharges.

Cost Price Fuel - The fuel surcharge cost of the consignment.

Cost Price GST - The GST amount for the consignment.

Cost Price Total - The total for the Base, Fuel, and GST of the consignment.

Sell Price Base - The cost based on the rate card and any optional or automatic surcharges.

Sell Price Fuel The fuel surcharge cost of the consignment.

Sell Price GST The GST amount for the consignment.

Margin - The upsell percentage set against the company.

Markup - The upsell value that was set against the company.

ETA - The date the consignment was expected to be delivered.

Completed Date - The date the consignment was actually delivered. If the consignment is not delivered then this will show as blank. 

KPI - If the consignment was completed on or before the ETA date this will show as a HIT. If it was delivered after the completed date then this will show as a MISS. If it is yet to be delivered then this will show as blank. 

Service ETA Business Days Only - This will show as TRUE if the service is only run on business days.

ETA Affected By Public Holidays - This will show as TRUE if the ETA date was extended due to a public holiday. 

KPI Measure - A string indicating the KPI measurement. For example: Early, On Time, X Days Late, Early Within X Minutes, Late, etc.

KPI Explanation - An explanation of how the KPI measure was generated. 

The Distance of Consignment - If the consignment price was generated based off a distance rate then the distance used to generate the price will be shown. 

Carrier Account Code - Carrier Account used to generate the price. 

Attachment Count - the number of documents against the consignment such as PODs.

First Attachment Date - Date of when the attachment was first put against the consignment.

Manifest Date - The date when the consignment was actually manifested out of MachShip.

Active Date -  The date when the first Active Status was received. Active Statuses are any status that is represented by a dark blue colour. 

Is Reconciled  - This flag will show as YES if the consignment has been reconciled or NO if it has yet to be reconciled. 

ReconciledCostPriceBase, ReconciledCostPriceFuel, ReconcileCostPriceGST, ReconciledCostPriceTotal - If the IsReconciled flag is set to be YES, then this will show the reconciled figures otherwise if the IsReconciled flag is set to be NO, then this will show as the MachShip quoted figures. 

ReconciledSellPriceBase, ReconciledSellPriceFuel, ReconciledSellPriceGst, ReconciledSellPriceTotal - If the IsReconciled flag is set to be YES, then this will show the reconciled figures otherwise if the IsReconciled flag is set to be NO, then this will show as the MachShip quoted figures. 

ReconciledCostDifference - This will be the percentage difference between the quoted cost amount and the reconciled cost amount. 

ReconciledSellDifference - This will be the percentage difference between the quoted sell amount and the reconciled sell amount. 

If the Include Items Field is set to be Yes:

If you set the Include Items field to be YES, then the report will include the below fields: 

Item Name  - Name of the item sent.

Carrier Item Name - The carrier commodity that was used to charge for the freight.

Item Type -  The shipping item type the user selected.

Quantity - Quantity of that line item.

Length - Length in cm.

Width - Width in cm.

Height -  Height in cm.

Weight -  Weight in kg.

DateTime Created - This will be the date and the time that the consignment was created.

Despatch DateTime -  This will be the date and time that the consignment was despatched.

FromLocationAbbreviation - If the sending location has an abbreviation then this will be stored here.

ToLocationAbbreviation - If the delivery location has an abbreviation then this will be stored here.

IsDG  - If the consignment has dangerous goods on it then this will show a flag as TRUE, otherwise it will show as FALSE.

FromCountry -  This will be the country of the sending location.

ToCountry - This will be the country of the delivery location.

Partial Delivery - If the consignment has at any point flagged either as a Partial Delivery or Partial On For Delivery status, then this will show as TRUE.

Is International - If the consignment being sent was international, then the cell will show as true
From City 
- If international Import, this will show the international from city.
From Province -
 If international Import, this will show the international from province 
To City
 - If international Export, this will show the international to city
To Province 
- If international Export, this will show the international to province 

Accepted Total Ex GST  - Ex GST Total of the accepted cost from the carrier invoice

Accepted Reasons -  Reasons for any accepted carrier cost above the MachShip Quote

Rejected Total Ex GST -  Ex GST Total of the rejected cost from the carrier invoice

Rejected Reasons -  Reasons provided for the rejected cost
Carrier Invoice - Carrier Invoice id which the carrier charged the consignment on

If you are a Freight Reseller you will have additional fields

Sell Price Base - The Sell Price is based on the rate card and any optional or automatic surcharges.

Sell Price Fuel - The fuel surcharge Sell price of the consignment.

Sell Price GST - The GST amount for the consignment based on the Sell Price Base and Fuel amount.

Sell Price Total - The total Sell for the Base, Fuel and GST of the consignment.

Margin - The Margin % of the consignment.

Markup - The Markup % of the consignment.

ReconciledSellPriceBase, ReconciledSellPriceFuel, ReconcileSellPriceGST, ReconciledSellPriceTotal - If the IsReconciled flag is set to be YES, then this will show the reconciled figures otherwise if the IsReconciled flag is set to be NO, then this will show as the MachShip quoted figures. 

ReconciledSellDifference - This will be the percentage difference between the quoted sell amount and the reconciled sell amount.

Absorbed Total Ex GST -  Ex GST Total of the cost component absorbed off the carrier invoice

Absorbed Reasons -  Reason the cost component was absorbed on the carrier invoice

Manual Charges Total Ex Tax -  Ex GST Total of the Manual Charge

Manual Charges Reasons -  Reasons for the Manual Charge being added

Credit Total Ex GST -  Ex GST total of the manual credit

Credit Reasons - Reasons placed for the manual credit amount

Finance Invoice -  Id of the client invoice this consignments was charged in


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