The Export Grid function allows the user to extract a data file containing a snapshot of the data contained on that data grid.
Note: If you do not have access as an Administrator or Organization User, you will not be able to access the below links. You will also need to ensure that your assigned role has access to export out the financial invoices data page
To access editing a role please work through the following article
Navigate to Finance, then Generate Invoices:
On the Generate Invoices page, click on the Actions drop-down button and click on the `Export Grid`.
Note: By using either of the `Search` or `Company` or ' carrier' text boxes, the export will then be adjusted to show just the filtered data.
Ensure the grid contains the data you wish to export. Once clicked, the file will download in a .csv format with a naming convention as Financial Invoice Consignments_*date*.csv.
The spreadsheet file can now be opened in your preferred program for further analysis and manipulation. Checking on the exported file, the following data or fields include:
Consignment Number - MS Number
Carrier Consignment id - Connote Number
Closed - Is the consignment closed or not
Company Name - Owning Company of the consignment
Carrier Name - Carrier and Service Consignment was booked on
Despatch Date - Date of Despatch of Consignment
From - Sending Location, State, Postcode
To - Delivery Location, State, Postcode
Reference - Consignment Reference 1
Item Count - Number of items on the consignment
Uninvoiced Amount - Amount uninvoiced
ConStatus - Consignment tracking status
RecStatus - Consignment reconciliation status
Note: This will export out the top 4000 consignments in the grid