There will be certain instances where a carrier will provide you will surcharges which are based on the volume of the consignment or its charge weight. As such, there is a need to utilise MachShip's internally built ratecard pricing in order to calculate the correct surcharge for these consignments.
Below we will advise on how you can setup a surcharge
In order to help you when setting up a new carrier, MachShip has facilitated the ability for users to bulk generate new surcharges utilizing known and defined carrier surcharge lists.
To create a Surcharge select Admin and Other Options.
Under the Advanced Options, select Surcharges
A Create Surcharges window will open and appear as below:
Enter in the Company that should own the surcharge
Then select the Carrier:
Then assign the Link Type:
Link Types will be broken down to be one of:
Link to Carrier - The surcharge should be assigned against Every account and service for which the owning company has access to
Link to Services: The surcharge should apply for Every account which has the selected service
Link to Accounts: The surcharge should apply against Every service which is on the selected account
Link to Service and Account Combination: The surcharge should Only apply against the combination of the selected account and service.
Once the carrier is selected, the default surcharges will be displayed below the link type. This will show the surcharges name and its default pricing, If there is a default ratecard surcharge then the price will be shown as blank
You are able to select which of the default surcharge(s) you would like to link to your company. Use the tick box at the top of the grid to select all or select one by one.
After selecting the surcharges to add, click on Create Standard Surcharge
Note: Though you may have pricing which differs from the default, MachShip suggests that you create the surcharges and then look to edit the pricing rather the creating the surcharge from scratch.
Once you have selected to create, you will then receive a successful notification on screen confirming the surcharge has been copied to your account. A successful notification will be displayed in green text.
If the surcharge already exists against the company you are adding surcharges to, MachShip will not duplicate the surcharge, instead notify you that it will not be cloned.
Below is an example of how this will be displayed. There was already a set of surcharges saved against the account these will not be added to your company as they already exist.
If you find that the surcharge you are looking to setup is not listed in the default surcharge listing then you will need to create an Empty Surcharge.
In order to generate a new Ratecard Surcharge then you will first need to import a Surcharge ratecard. The instructions for this can be found here
Once complete you can then setup your Surcharge. To do this follow the instructions in part 1 but select the option Create Empty Surcharge:
1. Information.
To create the empty surchargee you need to fill out the following fields:
Once selected you would then link the ratecard by simply typing into the ratecard field and select from the ratecards options that return.
2. Surcharge Application Flags.
MachShip understands that different surcharges will apply under different conditions. As such there are a series of flags that can be set which will enable you to customise when and how the surcharge is applied.
Note: If there are any consignment specific conditions that need to be met to prompt the created surcharge to apply, these will need to be added by the MachShip team. An example of this would be on overlength surcharge which only applies if an item is over a certain length or width. In the above case please set up the surcharge with the links (described below) and pricing and email the conditions through to and these will be promptly added.
3. Conditions
This area allows you to see the set of queries/restrictions applied on the created surcharge.
To have a query added please contact with the required specifications.
Once added the query will show as below:
4. Links.
The linking of a surcharge will advise MachShip which company, carrier, service or account to apply the surcharge.
To link a surcharge you need to:
1. Click the Create Link button.
This will prompt the Create Link modal to appear.
2. Set the Company and Carrier.
If you wish to apply this surcharge to all of your clients which have that carrier, set the company field to be your broker company.
3. Choose the link type.
There are 4 link types:
Link Types will be broken down to be one of:
Link to Carrier - The surcharge should be assigned against Every account and service for which the owning company has access to
Link to Services: The surcharge should apply for Every account which has the selected service
Link to Accounts: The surcharge should apply against Every service which is on the selected account
Link to Service and Account Combination: The surcharge should Only apply against the combination of the selected account and service.
4. Include/Exclude.
The include/exclude flag will set if what has been linked is to be included, have the surcharge apply, or be excluded or exempt from the surcharge. By default, this is set to include.
5. Create the link type.
Once created the links will be visible in the table at the bottom of the create surcharge page as below:
There can be as many links as required and they will work in conjunction with one another.
5. Save and Test.
Once all the links have been set up, select the Save Surcharge option and the surcharge will be created.
Once the surcharge has been created we suggest you test its application. This can be completed through the quotes screen. Quote for a situation where the surcharge should apply and also a situation where the surcharge should not apply. This will provide peace of mind that everything has been correctly set up.
Please note that if there are any conditions that you have requested to be set up by the MachShip team that you wait for confirmation that these have been set up and applied before running your testing.
If you find that the surcharge you are looking to create is not on the defaults list then you are able to generate an Empty Surcharge. This is a surcharge that does not have a pre-defined logic query attached to it.
To create a standard surcharge that is not a default surcharge. Proceed to Create Empty Surcharge: