How to create a Fuel Surcharge as a Freight Reseller

How to create a Fuel Surcharge as a Freight Reseller

One of the major costs to any transport company is the cost of fuel. As fuel price regularly fluctuates, a carrier will charge out for this via a surcharge. This will usually be adjusted at regular intervals. If you are looking at how to adjust the Fuel Surcharge click here.

How to access the Create Fuel Surcharge screen

To create a fuel surcharge, navigate to Admin menu and Fuel Surcharges.

In the top right-hand corner, you will see a button which is Create Fuel Surcharge, select this.   

Alternatively, use the following link.

NoteShould your user not have the permission to access this page then you will be unable to successfully access this link.

How to create the Fuel Surcharge

1. Information

To create a Fuel Surcharge, you will need to provide the system with the setup information for example NameAbbreviation. 

2. Assign to a Company and Carrier. These are free text fields. 

Enter Company and then assign to a Carrier. These fields will need to match a created company and a created carrier for which your user has access to. 

Note: Fuel Surcharges also need to be assigned to the highest company in the tree for which the carrier account will be used. If not, then there is a possibility that routes will not be able to be returned and consignments not created. 

3. Set the Amount

To finalise the fuel surcharge choose the fuel surcharge type as Percentage Amount and set the initial percentage figure. Note that 15% would be written as 15.   


Once complete, select Save Fuel Surcharge and the surcharge will be created.   

Selling increases to Fuel Surcharges

If you wish to sell a fuel surcharge at a particular percentage increase to what a carrier has sold it to you, it is possible to create a “child” surcharge.  

To create a “child” fuel surcharge, you will create a fuel surcharge as outlined above, but you choose to assign a Parent Fuel Surcharge.

When a Parent Fuel Surcharge is populated in the fuel surcharge box, the options in the Fuel Surcharge Type drop-down will change to:

  • Increase Parent by Percentage Points 

    This will add a percentage on the parent fuel surcharge. This increase will continue no matter what the Parent Fuel Surcharge changes to. 

  • Percentage Amount 

    This will set this fuel surcharge to a percentage amount.

Note: When a markup is applied to a set of rates, the fuel surcharge will calculate the fuel surcharge on the marked-up amount. 

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