Adjustments to Fuel Surcharges are utilized by the carrier to account for the fluctuating cost of fuel to their business. Each carrier utilizes their own mechanism to calculate this fuel surcharge, but the vast majority will have these surcharges as a percentage of the overall rate price and they will calculate them on a monthly basis.
To allow you to account for this charge when quoting and consigning, MachShip allows users to set an effective date for a fuel surcharge in advance of it becoming active. This is known as a Date Driven Fuel Surcharge.
How to navigate to the Fuel Surcharges screen
Fuel surcharges are located in their own section within the administration menu of the MachShip system. See the highlighted fields below on how to navigate to this section.
Alternatively, you can access this link.
Note: Should your user not have the permission to access this page, then you will be unable to successfully access this link.
How to adjust the Fuel Surcharge
1. Search for the Applicable Surcharge
Once you have reached the Fuel Surcharges screen you will be faced with a table of all the fuel surcharges which are linked to your account. This table is outlined like the below:
To allow for easy access to the table we encourage you to utilise the Carrier Filter.
And the Search Bar.
Once you have found the fuel surcharge/s you wish to update, utilise the cog on the left-hand side of the grid and select Edit Fuel Surcharge:
This takes you to the Edit Fuel Surcharge page. On this page, you will see a grid which outlines all of the start dates and surcharge amounts which have previously been set on this surcharge.
2. Add the Effective Date
In order to add a new surcharge, select the Add Effective Date button which will prompt the add effective date popup to appear as below:
1. Set the Date
Set the date for which the fuel surcharge should take effect in the Effective Date field. Clicking the calendar will bring up the date selector.
2. Choose the Fuel Surcharge Type
Note: There is currently only one option for this which is Percentage Amount. This has been placed here for flexibility moving forward.
3. Set the Fuel Surcharge
Set the figure for the Fuel Surcharge amount. If this is a percentage, it does not require the percentage sign.
Once complete the modal will appear as below:
4. Select Save
Select Save and the grid will then be populated with the new surcharge amount and the effective date as below.
Select Save Fuel Surcharge and the charge will now be live.
Note: Effective Dates relate to the despatch date selected in the system and not the created.