End-to-End Guide on How to Update a Ratecard and Upload Process in MachShip

End-to-End Guide on How to Update a Ratecard and Upload Process in MachShip

Why do Clients need to update a ratecard?

Carriers occasionally change and update the rates for Clients as costs change. Ratecard Versions allows MachShip to hold a running history of rates against an account as each version will have an effective start date and effective expiration date

Here are the step-by-step guidelines on how to set up or update a Ratecard and Upload in MachShip:

1. To be able to extract the ratecard required to upload in MachShip and set the uprate, you can either -
          1.1) Export the ratecard version set on your account

          1.2) Refer on the general checklist document guide regarding the CSV format required in uploading a ratecard.

The import spreadsheet will look like the below:

CarrierAccountServiceFrom ZoneTo ZoneReciprocalCubic ConversionBasicMinimumBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPriceBreak TypeItem TypeBreak FromBreak ToPrice

2. Set Up the ratecard to Import. 
Using the ratecard you were provided by the carrier, you can proceed on setting this up on the csv format which you can upload in your account. To know the different pricing settings you can set on the ratecard, you may refer on the articles:
          2.1) How to set up the Rate Card for Accumulative Pricing 
          2.2) How to set up the Rate Card for Break Pricing

3. Once all set, you can Import the updated rates to your account.
          3.1) Import Ratecard as New Ratecard Version - This will be where you set your rates to be .

          3.2) Import to Update or Overwrite the latest ratecard version - means the current ratecard used or set up to your account.

Note: Once completed, you will then be able to despatch using the updated rates set on your account, if:
- for the New Ratecard:  as its the first Ratecard Version, it will be applicable for all time.
- for the Update/Overwrite Ratecard Version, selected and will be active based on the set effectivity date of the new rates.

If you have any issues or queries with the documents and links provided please contact support@machship.com.

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