How to create a Receiver Account

How to create a Receiver Account

Receiver Account will be a saved account number in MachShip which will be utilised when creating a Receiver Pays consignment. 

There are 2 ways in which you can create a Receiver Account in the MachShip platform:

1. Receiver Page

How to Navigate to the Receiver Accounts Grid.

1. Select Admin and Other Options.


2. Scroll through Advanced Options (located on the right-hand side) and select Receiver Accounts.


3. This will take you to the Receiver Accounts Grid. Select the Create Receiver Account button in the top left. 

How to Create Receiver Account

To Create the Receiver Account you will need to set:

Name - This is a free text field but should be something which makes the account easily identifiable.

Account Code - Needs to match the account code as per the carriers understanding exactly. If this is wrong then some carriers will prevent the consignment from being manifested. 

Company - By default, this will be set to the company you are logged in as or are impersonating.  You can set this as the parent company if the Inheritable Receiver Accounts flag is set to YES on the company page, otherwise, this needs to be set to the company who wishes to access this account. 

Carrier - The carrier should be the name of the carrier with which the account exists. MachShip will only allow you to use this saved account code when creating consignments with this carrier.

Note: Only carriers who support Receiver Accounts will be able to be selected.  

Once complete, select Save Receiver Account.

The account will now appear in the Receiver Accounts Grid and be usable when creating Receiver Pays consignments. 

2. When Creating a Receiver Pays Consignment

MachShip will allow you to create a Receiver Account whilst in the process of creating a Receiver Pays consignment. 

As discussed in this link Receiver Pays consignments can only be created via the Quick Consignment page. 

When creating the consignment and selecting a carrier and service that supports, and has been set up to allow Receiver Pays consignments, you will see the Use Receiver Account flag. 

When you click this flag to be YES you are given the link to Create Receiver Account.

Note: You must either Create or Use a saved Receiver Account for the Receiver Pays consignment to be created. You cannot just fill in the text box with the account number. 

By clicking the Create Receiver Account link the Create Receiver Account Modal will appear as below. 

Provide MachShip with:

Name - This is a free text field but should be something which makes the account easily identifiable.

Account Code - Needs to match the account code as per the carriers understanding exactly. If this is wrong then some carriers will prevent the consignment from being manifested. 

Once complete select Save.

The created account will be populated into the Receiver Account input box. 

You will find moving forward that this account will now be accessible when typing into the Receiver Account input box.

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