What is Invoice wrapping and how to set it up

What is Invoice wrapping and how to set it up

What is Invoice Wrapping?

Invoice wrapping will apply for users who are using MachShip to invoice out freight charges to clients. 

When a consignment is generated in MachShip there will be quoted cost and sell prices generated by the system. This quoted cost, when reconciled, can potentially have discrepancies that result in a higher price. In order to enable users to inform their clients about the reasons for these extra charges, MachShip will create a second invoice line with the discrepancy reason outlined. 

An example of this can be seen below. 

In the above example, there are 2 line items highlighted, the second of which shows a $380 excess fee due to check weight. 

Invoice wrapping will allow a user to be able to wrap these lines up into one line and one charge. It is set by company and carrier and can also be set based on the below 3 settings:

1. No Wrapping.

This setting is as the above example, where the extra charge is split onto a second separate line. 

2. Wrap Automatically Created Lines.

When a user sets up a tolerance or threshold to be applied when reconciling, the MachShip system will automatically create the reconciliation lines. The system will still split out multiple lines for manually created reconciliation lines, for example, lines created due to discrepancies outside the tolerances. 

3. Wrap All Lines.

This will wrap all extra lines which are created regardless if they were automatic or manual. 

How to set up Invoice Wrapping

To set up invoice wrapping for a company you need to do the following:

1. Navigate to the edit company page.

Select Admin and View Companies.

 Search for the company you wish to set up the Invoice Wrapping, select the cog on the right and the Edit Company option. 


2. Scroll to Company Information Table.

About three quarter's down the page you will see the Company Information Table. This table contains information relating to Contacts, Company Carrier Accounts, Invoice Wrapping, Custom Fields, Printer Configurations, Workflows, Ratecards, Sell Markups and Usable Company Carrier Accounts.

3. Click on the Option Invoice Wrapping 

MachShip will then give you the option to set the company or organisation-wide Invoice Wrapping

Select Save Company

How to set up Carrier Specific Invoice Wrapping

If you wish to set up a Specific set of Invoice Wrapping for a carrier this is completed through the Create Invoice Wrapping modal. 

Select Create Invoice Wrapping

1. Set the Carrier.

Type in the carrier and select the relevant carrier from the list.

2. Set the Invoice Wrapping Type.

Select from the 3 Invoice Wrapping types available. Note that the default is No Wrapping.

 3. Select Create Invoice Wrapping.

Once complete the invoice wrapping type will appear in the Invoice Wrapping table and will be active. 

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