How to bulk reject unmatched invoice entries

How to bulk reject unmatched invoice entries

Unmatched invoice entries are invoice entries that MachShip is unable to automatically assign to a consignment. Users have options to reject these entries, manually accept the charge and create a consignment, use the entry details to create a new consignment and reconcile the cost against the carrier rates in the system, delete the invoice, or manually assign the entry to an existing consignment. 

To reject a consignment from an invoice entry, follow the instructions below. 

How to navigate to Unmatched Entries

Navigate to Finance and select View Carrier Invoices.

From the Manage Invoices screen, search for your Invoice. MachShip has provided a few ways to help you narrow down the search using the below filters:

  • Company - When entering a company name, MachShip will auto-generate a list for you to select from and will bring up all the invoices relating.
  • Carrier - Will search for all invoices relating to the Carrier.
  • General Search - When entering any keywords, MachShip will filter through all invoices and bring up ones that have matching keywords.
  • Filter by Date Range - This will allow you to set a date range. This range can be set by Filter by Invoice Date or Filter by Uploaded Date.

Once found, click on the Cog to expand the invoice menu and select View Unmatched Entries.

How to Bulk Reject Entries

There are two ways to Reject Entries:

1. Reject Entries on Selected - In the far left column, click on the tick next to the consignment you would like to reject. Select your invoice entries, click on the Cog to expand the option then scroll down and click on Reject Entries - Selected.

2. Reject Entries on All - This will select all invoice entries that are in the grid and reject all the unmatched invoices. To do this, navigate to the Cog which is located next to the search engine. Scroll down and select Reject Entries - All.

This will prompt the Reject Carrier Invoice Entry modal.

Select a Rejection Reason. This can be from one of MachShip's preset reasons - listed below:

Then provide any supporting comments. Then select Reject.

A green prompt in the top right corner of the screen will appear if the invoices are correctly rejected.

The status of the entry will then be set as Rejected.

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