Searching, Filtering and Navigating the Reconcile Consignments Page

Searching, Filtering and Navigating the Reconcile Consignments Page

The Reconcile Consignments page has been designed to enable bulk reconciliation of consignments across multiple carriers and uploaded carrier invoices

Below we will describe the functions and features that allow you to filter, search and navigate through the  Reconcile Consignments page:

1. Date Filter


The date filter allows users to select the period they want to populate the data grid. By default, this is set to be the previous 30 days. 


The date range options will allow the user to set the date range by when the invoice was uploaded or the Invoice date. By default, this is set to be the date of upload. 

2. Carriers, Companies and Carrier Invoices Filter


The Carriers, Companies and Carrier Invoices filter are multi filters that allow the user to adjust the data in the reconciled consignments grid to match that of a particular carrier, company or invoice. To utilise each of these filters, simply type in any of the key fields and then select the correct option from the typeahead that returns.


Once selected, the option will show below the filter.


to multi-select, simply repeat the steps above

The key fields for each of the filters are:

Carrier - Carrier Name or Carrier Abbreviation

Company - Company Name or Account Code

Carrier Invoices - Invoice Id (number)

3. Consignment Status Filter


The Consignment status filter allows the user to adjust the data presented in the grid just to show data within a particular status group. This can help users quickly pinpoint those consignments that may have been cancelled within MachShip but are still charged by the transport provider. 

4. Consignment Reconcile Filter


The Show Reconciled Consignments switch users to select if they wish to see the data grid populated with just unreconciled consignments or all consignments. By default, the option will be set as No and only presents the user with unreconciled consignments in the grid. 

5. Search Bar

The search bar will allow the user to filter down the grid to a selection of consignments or consignments i.e. the below.



6. Reconcile Consignments Grid

The reconcile Consignments Gris contains the following data points:

I. Invoice Id and File Name


This will provide the invoice number the carrier is looking to charge you on and the name of the file uploaded into MachShip. Note that the invoice Id provides a hyperlink to the view carrier invoice page for the applicable invoice.

II.  # Entries


This column will provide a count of the number of lines related to the linked consignment on that carrier invoice. This aids users in seeing where specific surcharges may have come into effect. 

III. ID, Carriers ID, Company and Carrier


These columns will provide the user with the linked MachShip number, carrier consignment number, the charged company and the charging carrier. Note that the MS number is a hyperlink. This will allow the user to click and link to that consignment's balance screen, which can provide further details on the consignment itself. 

IV. Discrepancy, Total Ex Tax, Invoice Total Ex Tax


These columns advise the user on the discrepancy between what the carrier is looking to charge you (Inv. Total ex Tax) and the amount MachShip quoted for the movement (Total Ex Tax).  Note that the discrepancy column can be sorted in ascending or descending order, allowing you to collect discrepancy amounts of similar value together. 


V. Weight, Volume, Zone


The following data points will include comparisons between the MachShip provided Volume, Weight and route (from zone - to zone combination) used to calculate the quoted figure against those provided by the carrier. This can be utilised to see where the carrier has utilised potential check weights or different rating mechanisms to calculate their invoiced figure. 

VI. Extra Info


This column will be filled with any extra mapped data that may have been available on the carrier invoice but was not directly mappable to a reconciliation field.


VII. Held for Invoicing and Held for Reconciliation


If a user has placed the consignments on hold for further investigation, they will be indicated in the above columns. Users can adjust the value of these fields via selecting the consignment line, selecting actions and editing the consignment details.


VIII. Attachment Count, Tracking Status, DG flag Notes


The next four data points in the grid contain the count on the attachments (POD count), the current tracking status, a flag indicating if the consignment was dispatched with dangerous Goods and an indicator on if any custom notes have been linked to the consignment. 

IX. Options Cog and Street View

Finally, each of the linked consignment lines will have an options cog


This cog will provide the user with the standard reconciliation options and the additional option to see a street view of both the sending and receiving locations.


Street view will option up a tab to google street view and use the address details provided to MachShip by the consignor to allow the reconciler to validate extra charges from carriers like residential deliveries. 

7. Customisation of the Reconcile Consignments Grid

To allow users to customise the data that shows within the reconcile consignments grid, MachShip has the Customise Grid option. 

To Customise the grid select the Actions option and then select Customise Grid


You are then provided with the Customise Grid modal, which allows users to Show and Hide the various columns from the grid. 


To hide a file, simply click the arrow, and you will see it will shift over into the hidden column.



Once you have updated all the relevant data, select Update Grid and the grid data will be updated.

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