Magento 2 Extension - Configuring Box Dimensions & Box Migration Tool

Magento 2 Extension - Configuring Box Dimensions & Box Migration Tool


When a user reaches the checkout, we need the dimensions and weights of all of the products that are in their cart in order to generate a price.
Natively, Magento 2 doesn't have a set of dimension fields, and users are limited to only a single set if they were to use an attribute.
That's why we have setup our plugin to add a set of item fields that allow you to specify all the weights, dimensions and item types for all of the cartons that make up your product.
FusedShip refers to our integration layer that we use to connect clients websites and platforms to Machship.

FusedShip Box Fields

Once our extension has been installed, on every product inside Magento 2 you will find the following expandable section:

These fields can be found by going to:
  1. Login to your Magento 2 admin
  2. Go to catalogue
  3. Select EDIT on the product you wish to modify
  4. Scroll down to the Fusedship Options section
In order for us to generate a price, we need to ensure all of these dimensions, weights and package types have been set.
If a product is setup as a configurable product, every product variation will need to have the box data set.

Bulk Migration Of Attribute Data Into Fusedship Options

Some clients have this data stored in existing attributes or fields on their products and want a way to be able to move all of that data into the Fusedship options fields.
To facilitate this, we have created a "Box Migration" tool to migrate your package data from your existing fields into these new fields.

To find the Box Migration Tool:
  1. Login to the Magento 2 Admin
  2. Navigate to the Machship tab on the left
  3. Click "Box Migration"

Using The Box Migration Tool

The idea of the box migration tool is to map the existing fields that contain the data to the Machship field you want to copy it to. Think of it as a "copy/paste" type operation.
So you want to select the related field that contains the data that you want to copy across on the right.

Tips on building your field mapping:
  1. Every field needs to be mapped - you can't leave any blank
  2. Length, Width & Height will always use custom attributes
  3. Weight has a native "weight" value and most commonly you would select "Use Native attribute" unless you've setup a custom attribute
  4. For the item type, you can select a static value for all items (like Carton), or map it to an attribute.
  5. We do not need PRODUCT dimension, but SHIPPING dimensions.
  6. The unit conversion options will take a MM or M measurement and convert it to CM. Likewise with G to KG. If it's already in CM and KG then just select that.
Important: Overwrite existing box settings will overwrite any and all data into the box fields that you have input previously.
You will likely want this TICKED on the first migration, or if you're refining your field mapping. After that point, you may want to run the migrator periodically, and you would ensure it's NOT ticked.

Common Questions

Is there a way to programatically or bulk update your fields in the database?
The easiest way is to create some attributes called "Machship Length", "Machship Height" etc - then export your products, add the data and import.
Once you've imported, use the box migration tool to push this into our fieldset.

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