How to view Consignment and Invoice import results

How to view Consignment and Invoice import results

Whenever a Consignment or Invoice is imported into MachShip it is passed through a workflow. Every workflow that is utilised in MachShip is recorded in the workflow results section.

How to navigate to Workflow Results:

To navigate to Workflow Results select Admin and Other Options.

Then select Workflow Results.

How to use the Workflow Results Table

The Workflow Results table will contain a list of all files which have been imported into MachShip for every company at your access level and below. 

Filtering Results

If you are searching for a particular file you can use either the:

Date Range Filter: This will show the workflow results for a particular date or date range.

Company Filter: This will show you the workflow results for a particular company. Please note you need to select from a list of options returned when using the filter.

Workflow Filter: This will show you the results of a particular workflow. Please note that you need to select from a list of options returned when using this filter.

Search Bar: The Search bar will filter based on a company or workflow type. This can be used when you have a series of companies or workflows with similar names. 

Status filter: Each workflow will be assigned a status of either:

  • Success -  The workflow completed the task as designed.
  • Warning -  The workflow completed the task as designed but there were warnings - such as duplicate references.
  • Error - The workflow did not complete the task as designed. 

Auditing Results 

The Workflow Results table will be broken down into:

Date Created -  This is the date and time the workflow was run.

Company -  The company that ran the workflow.

Workflow - The name of the workflow that was run.

Created ID's - If the workflow was a consignment import then either the "MS" or "PC" numbers created will be shown.

Entity Type - If the workflow was a carrier invoice import or a consignment import.

Status -  The status of the workflow. 

The drop-down cog on the left of each workflow will provide users with the ability to download the log or download the file.

In the event of an error or warning, the log will provide the exact message that was returned to a user when they were running the workflow. The file which you will be able to download will be the exact file which the user was attempting to import into MachShip