One of the potential reasons why you are unable to return a price for a particular suburb will be that either that suburb is not on the carrier zone listing, or you do not have a rate to that particular suburbs zone.
In order to enable users with a quick and easy way to identify what suburbs have been assigned to what zones, MachShip has developed the Maps page which provides a pictorial representation of all the suburbs in Australia and what zones these suburbs are assigned to.
How to navigate to The Maps Page
To navigate to the Maps page select Admin and Maps.
How to use the Maps Page
When you first navigate to the Maps page you will see the screen default to a blank image of Melbourne as per below.
By first selecting the Carrier you will see the maps page will become colourised and it will show the breakup of Australia into a number of polygons (shapes). These Polygons will all have assigned to them a number of suburbs which are located in the space on the map in which these polygons are overlayed.
The Polygons have been colour coded based on the matching zones. For example, every polygon with a suburb mapped to the zone VV1 for TNT is shown as Purple.
Any polygon which contains a suburb which a carrier does not have on their zone list will be signified with a red outline.
Any polygon which has no mapped suburbs will be shown in white.
If you wish to find a particular suburb and what zones it has been assigned to, type the suburb into the suburb search field and select the relevant suburb from the typehead.
The map will then be centred on that particular suburb.
If you click on the polygon you will see a list of all the suburbs contained and what zones they have been mapped to. The zones are presented as Zone Name (Zone Abbreviation).
In order to check if an unmapped zone is causing your pricing issues, you should search for the carrier you are expecting to get a price for and the suburb you are attempting to send from/to.
If the polygon shows that this suburb is unmatched please contact and the MachShip support team will either map the suburb up for you or alternatively provide a reason as to why this suburb is unmapped.
If the polygon shows that the suburb is mapped, ensure that your carrier account contains a rate to the zone. If the rate card does not have a rate to or from this zone, then you can check with either your freight broker or your account manager at the carrier to either get the rate added or understand why you do not have a rate.
If the rate does exist, then please contact and we can provide further support on why the rate has not returned.