Should a tracking status be incorrectly updated or set in MachShip it can be updated or removed via the instructions below.
How to navigate to Active Consignments
To navigate to this screen, from the top menu select Create/Manage, scroll down to the Consignments section and click Active Consignments.
From this screen, select the Consignment you would like to change the Status. If there are a few in the list, you are able to refine the search by entering any details regarding the consignment in the Search engine, as highlighted in the image below. You can also utilise any of the filters for Company (can wither include Child Companies), Carrier, Filter by Destination State or Filter by Date (both ETA and Despatch).
Once you have found the consignment you wish to update, click on the drop-down cog button on the right side of your screen. Select Change Status.
Alternatively, you can select the tracking bubble for that consignment:
A Consignment Status summary page will appear as below:
How to Delete a Status update
In order to delete a status update from Machship simply select the cog button of the event that you wish to remove and select Delete Consignment Status.
If the status removed was a Complete status update - i.e cancelled, complete or tracking expired all DIFOT and ETA updates will be updated to reflect the change.
How to Update the Date / Time of a Status update
In order to update the date/time of a status update in Machship, simply select the cog button of the event that you wish to remove and select Update Status Date
Note: Ensure that these are always local time to the event.
Once complete select Update Status and you will see the event is updated.
If the status update was a Complete status update - i.e cancelled, complete or tracking expired all DIFOT and ETA updates will be updated to reflect the change.
Note: If the update is effected on a carrier status update automated tracking will be switched off. This will be done so that the status event that was incorrect is not re-added to the tracking history.
If the update is a manual status update or was completed by a MachShip User, automated tracking will remain switched on.