How to update ETA on a Consignment

How to update ETA on a Consignment

Should you need to update the ETA for a consignment, you could do so upon navigating via the unmanifested page and active consignment page.

How to navigate to the Consignment Page

To get to the Edit Consignments screen, from the top menu Create/Manage, click Unmanifested or Active Consignments under the Consignments section.


Select the Consignment and via the drop-down cog on the right-hand side select View Consignment.


Once on the consignment page, you can update the ETA via the Delivery Method section below and set the new ETA date preference:

Once the changes/updates have been made, scroll down and click Update consignment buttonthis will save all changes.


You can also look on Consignment Notes for the before and after ETA update set on the consignment as reference: