How to trigger a re-pull on Orders from FusedShip
- In your Internet browser navigate to the following website:
- Enter the Username and Password that has been provided to you for login access to the FusedShip website
Note: This is a different login than your MachShip provided Login. Please contact for your credentials
- Once logged in by default, you will be redirected to the Integrations Page where it will allow you to search for missing records, shows if the integration is Activated or disabled and provides information about last sync details between the platforms
- To Resync and order that cannot be found in MachShip
- You will have GET RECORD Screen popup, enter the Source ID for the missing order from your system and click RUN SYNC
Note: If you are unsure which values from your system are the Source ID, please reach out to the MachShip team which will be able to assist.
- Once you have clicked RUN SYNC and the process has finished searching for you the order from your system you can then check to see if the order has synchronised across by clicking the VIEW LOGS Button
- The VIEW LOGS button will load the Sync Logs Screen where it displays the status of all orders that have been synchronised across the integrated platforms
- Click the REVIEW RECORD Button to check the details of the order-
The page that opens will show the MachShip Consignment Status, the Record Status, the incoming Source data payload, and the MachShip Payload (Data that’s loaded into MachShip), It also provides a link to the loaded Consignment (Pending/Unmanifested) in MachShip
- If there is a large number of Orders that are missing from MachShip there is also use the Sync Back option. The Sync Back option allows you to execute the synchronisation process between the platforms where it will query the integrated system for incoming orders into MachShip
- Once Clicking Sync Back you will receive a Sync Back Screen pop up which allows you to set a Start Date Time and End Date Time, this will allow you to specify the period which the synchronisation process will query the system for between the dates that are set.
Note: You will not be able to run an Order Sync for Orders that are in excess of 7 days, any orders that are missing from over 7 days please use the GET RECORD option (described above) or contact where one of the MachShip Staff will be able to assist.
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