In order to ensure that your Workflow is mapping and grouping all fields correctly, it is important to test your workflow mapping. This testing is undertaken via the workflow test module in the Manage Workflows section of MachShip.
How to navigate to Manage Workflows
To navigate to Workflow Results select Admin and Other Options.
Then select Workflows.
To find the desired workflow use the search bar searching for either the Name or the Abbreviation.
How to test the Workflow
Once the correct workflow has been found select the drop-down cog and select Test Workflow.
This will prompt the Test workflow modal to appear. Select Add Files and Upload an example of your custom file type. This can be either the invoice file or the consignment file.
MachShip will then run the workflow and provide you with a breakdown of the file being tested.
Scrolling down you will find a list of the consignments created from the workflow listed as an expandable array. The number of entries should match the number of expected consignments from the file. Click the arrow next to each object in the array to expand the information.
This expansion will show each of the import (either consignment or invoice) fields that are available in MachShip and what the workflow has assigned it to. Verify each one.
Note that the Items are an array within the Object itself and to check the item details click on the arrow next to the items.
Once you have verified all the fields simply close the test modal.
Notes about the Workflow Test:
What needs to be noted about the workflow test is that it does not take into account any company related information. When importing consignments, MachShip will be able to assume company location and item information based on the location/item name or abbreviation. These assumptions are not present in the workflow test. To validate that this will work, simply ensure that the mapped field is present.
For example: If you are relying on a mapped from location abbreviation to provide address and contact details, simply check that location abbreviation is shown in the workflow test modal.