How to Setup a Billing Charge Mark-up

How to Setup a Billing Charge Mark-up

On the first business day of each month, MachShip will generate the following billing charges per company:

  • Dangerous Goods Consignment Fee 
  • Receiver Pays Consignment Fee
  • SMS consignment fee
  • Company Integration ongoing support fee

in order to enable you the ability to pass on the on-sell, or absorb these charges, MachShip has facilitated the ability for a client to create a Billing Charge Mark-up.

How to Create a Billing Charge Mark-Up 

To navigate to create a Billing Charge Mark-up, select Finance and then select Billing Chare Mark-ups

This will show you a listing of all Billing Charge Mark-ups that have currently been created.

You can filter through this list based on the Company or Charge Type fields.

To create a new mark-up select the Create Company Billing Charge Mark-up

This will bring you to the Create Billing Charge Mark-up page.

You will need to set the following:

1. Company -  By default Billing Charges are inheritable, so if you wish to set a mark-up for your entire organisation then you would put in your company name here. Alternatively, to set a specific mark-up for a client insert their company name.

2. Charge Type - Select the option from the drop-down list that best describes the charge. The options you have will be as follows:

3. Markup Type – One of:

    • Fixed dollar amount - Overrides the unit price (ex. tax) with the specified dollar amount. If you wish to absorb this charge use this charge type and set the mark-up as $0
    • Markup – Markup the unit price (ex. tax) by the specific percentage


4. Markup – This will be the amount that you wish to charge the client per billing charge quantity or the mark-up percentage. Note that if you wish to Absorb the charge or a component of the charge then you would set the mark-up amount as $0 or a dollar figure that is lower than the cost amount. 

Once set select  Save Company Billing Charge

Your markup will be created and it will be automatically applied by MachShip on the first business day of the next month when MachShip conducts its automated billing processes

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