How To Set a Carrier Account in Test Mode

How To Set a Carrier Account in Test Mode

Test Accounts enable you to set up fully configured Carrier Accounts to allow for an end to end testing without sending data to the carrier. This is a fully sandboxed setup. 

How to set a Carrier Account in Test Account

To set an account in Test Mode, navigate to Admin, select Carrier Accounts. 


Select Edit Carrier Account, via the cog to the right of the carrier account you require to set in Test Mode.

Scroll down to Test Mode, change the flag to Yes to operate in Test Mode


Scroll down and select Save Carrier Account to save you changes.

You will be able to set the carrier-specific options, add rates, create and manifest consignments in Test Mode.

MachShip will highlight if you are creating a consignment on a test account to inform you this will not be a live job, you will not need to cancel any test consignments with the carrier as no data will be sent to the carrier.

Below are some examples of how this will display to the user

Consignment Creation



Active Consignments

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