How to Save Grid Filters

How to Save Grid Filters

To allow clients flexibility in how they view, analyse and work with their data, MachShip has implemented the ability for users to save their set filter options on all of the operational data grids.

This will enable a user to navigate through the various pages within the platform and, upon returning to the operational grid, see the set filter options that have been saved.

How to set up the Save Filters

Navigate through to any of the operational grids - an example of a operational grid is the Active consignments page which can be accessed via the below:

On this page, you are given the following filtering options:

Carrier and Sevice:

Filter by Date Range

This range can be set by Despatch Date or Completed Date / ETA.

Include Child Companies:

Destination State

MachShip will have some defined defaults for each of these filters, but if you wish to set your personalised defaults, simply adjust any of the filter options mentioned above and select Save Filters.

MachShip will advise that your filters have been updated via the message in the top right-hand corner.

You will now find that every time you navigate through to that page, your saved filters will be pre-selected

Note: Due to the operational requirements of the company filter and the search bar, users cannot save or utilise these filters in the save filter functionality.

How to reset the Grid to your Saved Filters

If you have adjusted the filters on a page and wish to revert to your saved filters, simply select the Reset option highlighted below:


The screen will return to your Save Filter options, and MachShip will advise that this has been completed with the success option shown below.

Note: If you have not saved any filter options, selecting Reset will return the screen to the MachShip default filter options. 

How to clear Saved Filters

If you have adjusted the filters on a page and wish to revert to your MachShips default filter settings, simply select the Clear Saved option highlighted below:

The screen will return to MachShip's default filter options, and MachShip will advise that this has been completed with the success option shown below.

Note: The Save Filter option will hold your saved options through out logins to the platform as long as you are logging into the same browser and same computer. Should either change, you must reset and re-save your filter options.

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