How to Run the Finance Trading Report

How to Run the Finance Trading Report

The Finance Trading Report contains a full list of client and carrier Invoice data allowing for a full breakdown of true profit margin information. The report will run data for all companies in your company tree. 

How to generate the Finance Trading Report

1. Click the Reports drop-down, and select Finance Trading Report.

2. Select a date period - The report will be generated for all invoices which have an invoice date within the selected time period


Note: This can be a maximum period of one calendar year


3. Select Get Trading Report

4. The report will be run and will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen:

How to read the Finance Trading Report

The Finance Trading Report will contain three tabs which are broken down as:

All: This will be a breakdown of data split by invoiceclient, carrier account and carrier invoice

Grouped By Client: This will be a breakdown of data split by client

Grouped By Month: This will be a breakdown of client split by month


Contents of the tab ALL

Invoice Id- This will be the client Invoice Number in MachShip

Invoice Date - This will be the invoice date set in the platform

Client Name - This will be the company name 

Client Account Code - This will be the company account code

Carrier Name - The name of the carrier that the carrier invoice is linked to

Carrier Account Code - The account code the consignments were booked on

Carrier Invoice Date - Date of the carrier invoice

Carrier Invoice Id - Carrier Invoice number 

Total Cost Ex - A summed total of the cost amounts exclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Cost Inc- A summed total of the cost amounts inclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Invoiced Ex -A summed total of the sell amounts exclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Invoiced Inc -A summed total of the sell amounts inclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Margin Ex - The profit margin generated on the Ex tax figures

Margin Inc -The profit margin generated on the inclusive of tax figures

Sales Portfolio - This is the sales portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Account Management Portfolio - This is the Account Management portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Referral Portfolio - This is the Referral portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Trading Start Date - This is the start date that is set on the company page

Company Tier Name - This will be the Tier name assigned to the company. 

Company Tier Abbreviation - This will be the company tier abbreviation


Contents of the tab Grouped By Client

Client Name - This will be the company name 

Client Account Code - This will be the company account code

Total Cost Ex - A summed total of the cost amounts exclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Cost Inc- A summed total of the cost amounts exclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Invoiced Ex -A summed total of the sell amounts inclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Invoiced Inc -A summed total of the sell amounts inclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Margin Ex - The profit margin generated on the Ex tax figures

Margin Inc -The profit margin generated on the inclusive of tax figures

Sales Portfolio - This is the sales portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Account Management Portfolio - This is the Account Management portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Referral Portfolio - This is the Referral portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Trading Start Date - This is the start date that is set on the company page

Company Tier Name - This will be the Tier name assigned to the company. 

Company Tier Abbreviation - This will be the company tier abbreviation


Contents of the tab Grouped By Month

Month And Year - This will be the month and year for the invoiced consignments in that data set. 

Client Name - This will be the company name 

Client Account Code - This will be the company account code

Total Cost Ex - A summed total of the cost amounts exclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Cost Inc- A summed total of the cost amounts inclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Invoiced Ex -A summed total of the sell amounts exclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Total Invoiced Inc -A summed total of the sell amounts inclusive of tax that was linked to that client on that carrier invoice

Margin Ex - The profit margin generated on the Ex tax figures

Margin Inc -The profit margin generated on the inclusive of tax figures

Sales Portfolio - This is the sales portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Account Management Portfolio - This is the Account Management portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Referral Portfolio - This is the Referral portfolio that has been set on the Company page

Trading Start Date - This is the start date that is set on the company page

Company Tier Name - This will be the Tier name assigned to the company. 

Company Tier Abbreviation - This will be the company tier abbreviation

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