How to run the Consignment Export Report

How to run the Consignment Export Report

The Consignment Export Report will provide users with a CSV extract of all consignments created over a set period of time. This report will allow users to run a large-scale analysis of your freight movements. 

How to Run the Consignment Export Report

The Consignment Export Report can be run by selecting Reports and Export Consignments.

This will prompt the modal below:

This modal will allow you to filter down the data which is reported on. 

The fields are:

Date Range - This is where you can set the start and end date of which data you want to be filtered in a period of time (this report is run off despatch date)

Status - Select from the below:

Carrier - Type in the carrier and select from the typeahead.

Company (include Children Flag) - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.

Customer Ref 1 or Ref 2 (and Partials) -  To run the report just on particular references provide them in the box. Partial matches can be set by selecting the tag.

Saved To Company Location - This will be a receiving saved company location.

To Location - This will be a receiving suburb.

Saved To Company Location  - This will be a sending saved company location.

From Location - This will be a sending suburb.

Show Totals by Company - This tag will enable a user to summarize the totals for consignments, dollars, weight, volume, etc by each applicable company. If this is set to be no then MachShip will provide the report as one line per consignment.

Show Item Information

If you set this to be yes, MachShip will produce the report which has the item type, dimensions and the carrier commodity that was charged. This will be presented on different lines with all information duplicated. 

Exclude Closed – If you want to exclude closed consignments from the report, you can do it by enabling this flag.

Item Contents –  In order to extract from MachShip data files that will contain item level detail of the item contents, you can navigate through the below.

Enter in all the desired configurations ensuring that you select 
Show Item Information and then select Show Item Contents



MachShip will then append the item content information into the last columns of the report.

Note that if there are multiple Item Contents per Item then the item details will be duplicated.

Tags to Filter By – This will give you the ability to adjust the data you wish to return on the report. If you wish to run a report just on specific carrier accounts linked to a tag, you can do it by putting in the tag or tags in the Tags to Filter By section, the report will then only include the consignments created under those accounts.

If you want to know how these tags are created, it is outlined here.


Note: You can put in multiple tags on the modal


Once you have filled in your chosen fields, click Generate Report to CSV or the button with the UP arrow for more options. 

  • Generate Report to Excel
  • Generate Report to CSV via Notification
  • Generate Report to Excel via Notification

The report will run in the background if the option to Generate Report to CSV via Notification or Generate Report to Excel via Notification were selected, you will get a notification once the report has been generated on your main dashboard. Click on the notification to download the report.


You will also get notified via email. The email body will show all the fields that were filled in. Click on the link to download the report.

How to Read the Consignment Export Report

(Only Show Total by Company set to No)

The report will contain the following fields:

Despatch Date  - The date the user indicated the freight would be provided to the transport provider.

MachShip # - The MachShip internal reference number.

Carrier Connote Reference -  The reference number in the transport provider's system.

Reference 1 + Reference 2 -  Reference 1 and reference 2 on the consignment.

Company - The company in MachShip who despatched the freight.

Carrier - The carrier the consignment was despatched with.

Service -  The service the consignment was despatched on.

From and To Zone  - The zone used by MachShip to generate the price.

From and To suburb and Name - The from and to location name and the sending suburb name.

# of Items - The total number of items on the consignment.

Total Volume (consignment) - The total cubic metres of the consignment.

Total Weight (consignment) -  The total weight of the consignment.

Sales Portfolio - If the company has been assigned sales

Account Management Portfolio - If the company has been assigned an Account manager

Tier - If the company has been assigned a Tier

Price Ex Tax - The total calculated price of the consignment ex Tax.

Total Price - The total calculated price of the consignment.

Tax - The total calculated tax price of the consignment.

Fuel - The total calculated fuel price of the consignment.

Base - The total calculated sum of route and surcharges price of the consignment.

From and to Address Line 1, Address Line 2, State, Postcode  - The remaining address details of the consignment.

Item Type  - The Item type of the consignment, if more than one item type is used then this is set to be various.

Created Date - The date that the consignment is created.

Completed / ETA Date - Either the completed date of the consignment or the eta date of the consignment if it is not completed.

Status  - The current status of the consignment.

Delivery special Instructions - If there are any delivery special instructions for the consignment.

From and To Location ID - The ID of the saved company location used (if applicable).

From and To Location Abbreviation - The from and to location abbreviation used on the consignment (if applicable).

Created by User ID  - The user who created the consignment. 

Attachment Count - If there are any attachments such as PODs.

First Attachment Added - The date of the first attachment added.

Is International - If the consignment being sent was international, then the cell will show as true
From City 
- If international Import, this will show the international from city.
From Province - If international Import, this will show the international from province 
To City
 - If international Export, this will show the international to city
To Province 
- If international Export, this will show the international to province 

If the Include Items Field is Set to be Yes:

If you set the Include Items field to be yes then the report will include the below fields. 

Item Name  - Name of the item sent

Carrier Item Type - The carrier commodity that was used to charge for the freight

Item Type -  The shipping item type the user selected

Quantity - Quantity of that line item

Length - Length in cm

Width - Width in cm

Height -  Height in cm

Weight -  Weight in kg
If the Item Contents Field is Set to be Yes:
If you set the Include Items field to be yes then the report will include the below fields. 
Content Description - A description of the content - (i.e White Freight Label Rolls)
Content Reference 1 - An optional first reference for the item content line - (i.e Order Number)
Content Reference 2 - Optional second reference for the item content line - (i.e Invoice Number)
Content Reference 3 - Optional third reference for the item content line - (i.e Part Number)
Content Quantity - This will be a count of the number of the item on this line
Content Dollar Value - Unit dollar value of the goods
Content Qty - Quantity of the physical goods being shipped - note this will be different to the item quantity above, if it was 5 t-shirts packed in a carton, then the quantity is 5
Content CI Marks and Numbers  - identification of he product being sent
Content Harmonized Code - The global customs identifier for the class of goods being shipped
Content Part Number - Indentification of the product being sent
Content Purpose - This must describe the reason for sending the goods. Needs to match up with a known classification reason i.e sale, gift, return etc. 
Content Country of Manufacture - Will identify where the product was manufactured. You will need to select this from the drop-down of allowable MachShip values. 

How to Read the Consignment Export Report

(Only Show Total by Company set to Yes)

Number of Consignments - The total consignments created by that company.

Company - The company in MachShip who despatched the freight.
# Items 
- The total items of all the consignments despatched by the company.

Item Contents - The description of the items along with references and quantities.

Total Volume - The total volume of all the consignments despatched by the company.

Total Weight - The total weight of all the consignments despatched by the company.

Price Ex Tax - The total price of all consignments ex Tax despatched.

Total Price - The total price of all consignments despatched.

Tax - The total tax price of all consignments despatched.

Fuel - The total fuel price of all consignments despatched.

Base -  The total sum of route and surcharges prices of all consignments despatched.

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