How to Run a Consignment Surcharge Report

How to Run a Consignment Surcharge Report

The Consignment Surcharge Report will show all consignments that have been created over a set period of time and the breakdown of the surcharges that have been applied to those consignments. The report will show information such as consignment base price, surcharge prices, surcharge name and ID, as well as other crucial information that may help you when running an analysis for your freight movement.

How to generate the Consignment Surcharge Report

The Consignment Surcharge Report can be run by selecting Reports and Consignment Surcharge Report.

This will prompt the modal below:

This modal will allow you to filter down the data which is reported on. 

The fields are:

Date Range - This is where you can set the start and end date of your report (this is run off on a despatch date)

Company - This will be the company you want to run the report for.

Carrier - If you wish to run a report for a specific carrier, you can fill this field out with the carrier's name.

Include Children Flag - If you want to run the report for an organisation, set the company filter as the parent company and then set the Include Children Flag to be YES

Include Without Surcharges - If you want to generate the report including the consignments that did not accumulate surcharges, you will set this flag to be YES.

Tags to Filter By – This will give you the ability to adjust the data you wish to return on the report. If you wish to run a report just on specific carrier accounts linked to a tag, you can do it by putting in the tag or tags in the Tags to Filter By section. The report will then only include the consignments created under those accounts.

Tags to Exclude – If you want to exclude or filter out specific carrier accounts in your report. You can use this filter and put in the tags linked to the accounts you wish to exclude from the report. This will then exclude data from that carrier account.

If you want to know how these tags are created, it is outlined here.

Note: You can put in multiple tags on the modal

Once you have filled out the fields, click Generate Report CSV or the button with the UP arrow for more options. 

  • Generate Report to CSV via Notification
  • Generate Report to Excel via Notification

The report will run in the background if the option to Generate Report to CSV via Notification or Generate Report to Excel via Notification were selected, you will get a notification once the report has been generated on your main dashboard. Click on the notification to download the report.

You will also get notified via email. The email body will show all the fields that were filled in. Click on the link to download the report.

How to Read the Consignment Surcharge Report

ID - This will be the consignment ID

CarrierConsignmentId - The number used to identify the consignment in the carrier's system.

TrackingStatus - The current tracking status of the consignment.

CompanyName and AccountCode -The company that the consignment was created against.

CustomerReference and CustomerReference2 - Reference 1 and reference 2 on the consignment.

ConsignmentCreatedDateLocal - The date that the consignment was created in MachShip.

DespatchDateLocal - The date that the consignment was expected to be picked up or dropped off to the carrier. This will be the date that was used to generate the ETA date.

CompletedDateLocal - The date the consignment was actually delivered.

TotalVolume - The total cubic metres of the consignment.

TotalCubic - The total cubic weight of the consignment.

ItemQuantity - Quantity of that line item

CarrierName and CarrierAbbreviation - The name and the abbreviation of the carrier the consignment was sent with.

ServiceName and ServiceAbbreviation - The carrier service the consignment was sent on. 

FromName, FromAddressLine1, FromAddressLine2, FromSuburb, and FromPostcode - This will be the sender's information - The sender's Name, Address lines, suburb and postcode.

ToName, ToAddressLine1, ToAddressLine2, ToSuburb, ToPostcode - This will be the receiver's information - The receiver's Name, Address lines, suburb and postcode.

TotalCostPriceExTax - The total calculated price of the consignment excluding Tax.

TotalCostPrice -The total for the Base, Fuel, and GST of the consignment.

TotalTaxCostPrice - The total calculated GST amount of the consignment.

CostFuelLevyPrice -The fuel surcharge cost of the consignment.

TotalBaseCostPrice - The total calculated sum of route and surcharges price of the consignment.

TotalConsignmentCarrierSurchargesCostPrice - The total amount of all surcharges applied on the consignment.

SurchargeName - The surcharge name that applied to the consignment.

SurchargeId - This will be the surcharge ID of the surcharge.

Quantity - This will be the number of times that the surcharge applied

SurchargeTotalCostPrice - The total calculated amount of the surcharge i.e if the hand unload applied twice - this field will show the total price of the 2 hand unload surcharges that applied.

IsFuelLevyExempt - This will indicate if the surcharge is fuel levy exempted or not. 

If you are a Freight Reseller you will have these additional fields:

TotalSellPriceExTax - The total calculated sell price of the consignment excluding Tax.

TotalSellPrice - The total calculated Sell price for the Base, Fuel and GST of the consignment.

TotalTaxSellPrice - The total GST amount for the consignment based on the Sell Price Base and Sell Fuel amount.

SellFuelLevyPrice - The fuel surcharge sell price of the consignment.

TotalBaseSellPrice - The total calculated Sell amount based on the rate card and any optional or automatic surcharges.

TotalConsignmentCarrierSurchargesSellPrice - The total sell amount of all surcharges applied to the consignment.

SurchargeTotalSellPrice - The total calculated sell amount of the surcharge that applied i.e if the hand unload applied twice - this field will show the total sell price of the 2 hand unload surcharges that applied.

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