When printing off paperwork for a Manifest, Machship it allows you to download and print multiple consignment note documents and item labels via the Manifest Print Paperwork modal.
How to Navigate to a Manifest
Use the search bar too if the manifest by using information such as ID, Carrier or by filtering the Date.
Print Paperwork Prompt
To get this prompt to appear, click on the cog to see the Print Paperwork options.
Alternatively, if you are on the View Manifest Page you can select the Print Paperwork button.
How to print the Manifest Label
From here there are two ways you can obtain the Manifest Label. Clicking on the printer that is aligned with the word Manifest, this will download only the Manifest label or by clicking on the download button next to Download All as Zip, this will download all the paperwork that this consignment has produced.
How to print the Consignment document(s)
With the Consignment notes, you are able to either download all of the available labels by clicking print all.
Alternatively, you can expand and download specific labels by clicking the 3 dots to the right of the printer icon.
How to print the Item Label(s)
With the item labels, Machship will also give you the option to download all labels in one PDF by selecting the print icon. You will notice here that you are provided with the option to either print all as 1-page item labels or the 4 to an A4 page option.
Alternatively, you can print the labels, in either format, for one consignment by selecting the 3-dot icon to the left of the print icon and selecting the applicable label.
Once you have selected any of the options mentioned above you will see that labels will automatically download and will pop up at the bottom of your screen, as shown in the image below:
If you have selected to zip all labels then when unzipped the Zip file will open a folder with all of your documents, as seen in the image below. Double click on the label you would like to print and follow the prompts.
Note: All printing can be automated via the MachShip Printing Application.
Its installation and set up are documented here.
Printing Paperwork
If you notice a SAMPLE ONLY watermark across your documents. This is due to using the wrong system. Please ensure you are in live.machship.com.
Examples are below: