How to link a Carrier Account to a Ratecard

How to link a Carrier Account to a Ratecard

Navigate to the View Ratecards Page

Select the Admin drop-down and click on Ratecards. 

Linking a Carrier Account to a Ratecard

1. Use the filters to find the Ratecard you wish to link

These filters are:

  • Company: This will filter down to the owning company for the Ratecard
  • Carrier: This will filter down to show all Ratecards which relate to that carrier
  • Carrier Account:  Filter down to all Ratecards which are linked to the Carrier Account
  • Company Carrier Account:  Filter down to all Ratecards which are linked to the Company Carrier Account
  • Ratecard Type: Filter down to just Cost or Sell rates
  • Expired Flag: Include or exclude expired Ratecards

2. Navigate to Edit Ratecard

Select the Cog and then select Edit Ratecard.

3. Link the Carrier Account to the Ratecard

  • Type the Carrier Account Name or Abbreviation into the Carrier Accounts text box.

  • Select from the list the Carrier Account you wish to link. When linked it will appear below.

4. Save the Ratecard

Select Update Ratecard

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