How to Invoice out Billing Charges

How to Invoice out Billing Charges

Billing Charges are the mechanism by which non-consignment related costs can be accounted for and charged on a client invoice.

These Billing Charges will include:

·       Dangerous Goods Consignment fees

·       Reciever Pays Consignment fees

·       SMS consignment fees

·       Company Integration ongoing support fees

·       Miscellaneous Charged fees

Below we will outline how you can invoice out the billing charges to your clients

1. Ensure that you have Generated Invoices for the week and that they are sitting in Open Invoices

This is outlined in the video below:

2. Navigate to the billing charges table which is done by selecting Finance and Billing Charges

3. Set the applicable filtering on the Billing Charges grid. 

MachShip suggests that the best filtering for this grid would be

·       Set the Filter by Attachment Status to Not Attached to Invoice

This will then only filter in charges that have not yet been attached to a client invoice

·       Set the date range filter for the range you are billing out

4. Invoice out the Charges by Attach All

This is done by selecting Actions  and then selecting Attach All

Then select Attach

With this action, you are requesting for MachShip to look to find an Open client invoice and add the billing charge to it. If it is unable to find an invoice then it will remain as an un-attached billing charge. 

MachShip will then advise you of how many entries were able to successfully attach

4. Invoice out the remaining charges by Create Invoice from All

This is done by selecting Actions  and then selecting Create Invoice from All

You will need to set the Invoice Date and then select Create

MachShip will then create the invoice and attach the charge to that Invoice

To see what invoice the charges have been linked to view the Attached Invoice column in the Billing Charges grid

This is a hyperlink and will take you through to the edit invoice page

5. Check the data and Post the Invoice

As with client invoices generated from consignments, users are suggested to run the finance trading report and the invoice item breakdown report to check off the invoices data before posting. to see how this is down view the video below:


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