The MachShip system provides users with an efficient way for freight re-sellers too generate multiple invoices for the transport they have managed for their clients.
How to Generate Invoices
Click on the Finance drop-down and select Generate Invoices.
1. Set the Filter by Date flag as No. -This will allow you to see all consignments that have been manifested but not yet invoiced:
2. Click on the Filter by Status drop-down and select Reconciled and Invoice Pre-Authorised. This will allow you to pull in all consignments where you have accepted the carriers invoice charge or pre-authorised the consignment for invoicing.
3. Check the consignment status filter for the consignments that you wish to invoice out:
The options you have are:
Active - Any consignment that has been manifested in MachShip but is not yet complete
Complete - Any consignment that has received a Complete status in MachShip
Cancelled - Any cancelled consignment - note that these will ONLY show if you have reconciled a charge against that consignment.
The grid below will then update with only the filtered in consignments. Once this is complete select Invoice All.
MachShip will then provide the Generate Invoices modal. This modal will provide a list of the number of consignments which will be about to be invoiced and also allow you to set the Invoice Date.
Once completes select Generate Invoices
MachShip will run through the process of generating the invoices. The invoiced consignments will disappear from the Generate Invoices grid and move into an Open Invoice.
An Open Invoice is an invoice which has been created in MachShip but not yet posted out to a client. To view click on the Finance dropdown and select Open Invoices.
How to Validate Invoices
In order to run a check on the figures that are about to be invoiced out MachShip recommends running the Finance Trading report. This report will show all of the cost and sell figures broken down by carrier invoice and also by the client allowing for a check overall margins to ensure they are acceptable.
To run this report click on the Report Drop-down and select Finance Trading Report.
Select Invoice Date (This will be the date or date range for the invoices you wish to check - please keep this range to within 1-2 weeks) then select Get Trading Report.
The Finance Trading Report will then be generated for view and once validated then you can Post this invoices to your clients.
Instructions on how to Post Invoices can be found at this link.