How to find a Carrier Item Type

How to find a Carrier Item Type

Many Carriers have many different Item Types and it can be hard to remember them all. MachShip has entered all the data you'll need for each Carrier Item Type.

How to navigate to Manage Carrier Item Types

Navigate to Admin then click on Other Options. On the left-hand side of the screen, in the Advanced section, click on Carrier Item Types

From this screen, you'll have the ability to search for the Carrier or the Item Type via the search bar. 

Once you have found the correct Item Type, you can then view a break down of the limits on the Carrier Item Types grid. If you would like to see the Item Type in more depth, click on the cog located on the right side of the screen and select View Carrier Item Type.


From this screen, you will be able to see all of the information about this Item Type.

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