How to Export Grid - Reconcile Consignments

How to Export Grid - Reconcile Consignments

What is the Export Grid:

The Export Grid function allows the user to extract a data file containing a snapshot of the data on that grid.

How to Export the Reconcile Consignment Grid

Note: If you do not have access as Administrator or Organization User, you will not be able to access the above links. You will also need to have the following permission set top "Create / Delete" on your Role.

Navigate to Finance, then Reconcile Consignments.


Once that's done, head to the Actions button, and select Export Grid.

Note: By using either of the `Search`, 'Carrier' or `Company`, 'Carrier Invoices', or 'Date' filter text boxes, the export will be adjusted to show just the filtered data.

The file will be downloaded in a .csv format containing all the reconciled consignments.

The spreadsheet file can now be opened in your preferred program for further analysis and manipulation.

Once you've opened the exported file, the following data or fields include:

InvoiceId  - Carrier Invoice ID set; can be located on the View Carrier Invoice page URL
InvoiceNumber - Carrier invoice number provided
InvoiceFileName - Carrier invoice file name provided
ConsignmentNumber - MS number of the consignment
CarrierConsignmentId - Carriers Consignment Number
Company - Owning company of  the booked consignment
Carrier - Carrier name of the consignment was booked on
Entries - times the consignment entry is set in the invoice uploaded
Volume - volume per consignment
InvoiceVolume - invoice total volume
Weight - Weight per consignment
InvoiceWeight - invoice total weight
ConsignmentTotalExTax - consignment total excluding tax
InvoiceTotalExTax - Invoice total excluding tax
Descrepancy - the difference between the ConsignmentTotalExTax and InvoiceTotalExTax
InvoiceFromZoneAbbrev - From zone abbreviation
InvoiceToZoneAbbrev -  To zone abbreviation
ExtraCharges - additional charges set by the carrier (i.e. surcharges, additional fee)
ExtraInformation - additional information set on the invoice
HeldForInvoicing - set to TRUE - If the consignment is set to be `ON HOLD` for Invoicing; else FALSE if not.
HeldForReconciliation - set to TRUE - If the consignment is set to be `ON HOLD for RECONCILIATION` for Invoicing; else FALSE if not.
AttachmentCount - total count of attachments uploaded on the consignment.
IsDgConsignment - TRUE/FALSE if the consignment is DG or not


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