How to Export Grid on the View Consignment Page and the Pending Consignments Page

How to Export Grid on the View Consignment Page and the Pending Consignments Page

What is the Export Grid:

The Export Grid function provides the user with the ability to extract a data file which contains a snapshot of the data which is contained on that data grid.

The Export Grid can be used under the AllCompletedActive and Pending Consignments Page.

Navigate to Create/Manage and choose either of the consignments option you’d like to export



On the following consignments page, click on the Actions drop down button and click on `Export Grid`.

Note: The following consignment pages have been configured to have different filter options which you can use to export data of your choosing based on the filters.


  • Company and Include Child Companies - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.
  • Carrier - If you wish to run report on specific carrier
  • Servicedisabled
  • Filter by Status - can be set/filter out to Unmanifested, Active, Completed, Deleted or Cancelled.
  • Filter by Destination State - can set the State preferred
  • Date Range Filter
  • Filter by Despatch Date or Filter by ETA/Completed
  • Search text bar - general free text bar to show specific data of preference.



  • Company and Include Child Companies - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.
  • Carrier - If you wish to run report on specific carrier
  • Servicedisabled
  • Filter by Destination State - can set the State preferred
  • Date Range Filter
  • Filter by Despatch Date or Filter by ETA/Completed
  • Search text bar - general free text bar to show specific data of preference.



  • Company and Include Child Companies - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.
  • Carrier - If you wish to run report on specific carrier
  • Servicedisabled
  • Filter by Destination State - can set the State preferred
  • Filter by Date - set to Yes/No, enables you to set date range filter and set filter by despatch  date or ETA/completed
  • Search text bar - general free text bar to show specific data of preference.



  • Company and Include Child Companies - If you wish to run from a selected child company and its children, type its name in this section.
  • Filter by Date - set to Yes/No, enables you to set date range filter
  • Search text bar - general free text bar to show specific data of preference.



 Ensure the grid contains the data you wish to export. Once clicked, the file will download in a .csv format with a naming convention as Consignments_*date*.csv (for the Active, Completed and All consignments fileand Pending Consignments_*date*.csv (for the Pending Consignments file).

Note: This export is limited to the top 4000 records

The spreadsheet file can now be opened in your preferred program for further analysis and manipulation. The exported file on the ActiveCompleted and All Consignments, will have the following fields:

  • Tracking Status
  • Consignment Number
  • CarrierConsignmentID
  • Company
  • Company Account Code
  • Customer Reference
  • Customer Reference 2
  • Pickup
  • Delivery
  • Service
  • Total
  • Created Date
  • Despatch Date
  • ETA
  • Completed Date
  • Attachment Count
  • Is international



While the Pending Consignment exported file contains the following fields:

  • ID
  • CustomerReference
  • CustomerReference2
  • Company
  • CompanyAccountCode
  • FromLocationSuburb
  • FromLocationPostcode
  • FromLocationStateCode
  • IsFromLocationMatch – if the From location is set to have an actual match,

   output set to ‘TRUE’, if not, then ‘FALSE’

  • ToLocationSuburb
  • ToLocationPostcode
  • ToLocationStateCode
  • IsToLocationMatch - if the From location is set to have an actual match,

    output set to ‘TRUE’, if not, then ‘FALSE’

  • Carrier
  • CarrierAbbreviation
  • Service
  • ServiceAbbreviation
  • CarrierAccount
  • CarrierAccountAccountCode
  • DespatchDate
  • ItemCount 
  • Is international


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