The Export Grid function allows the user to extract a data file containing a snapshot of the data on that grid.
Note: If you do not have access as Administrator or Organization User, you cannot access the above links. You will also need to have the following permission set to "Create / Delete" on your Role.
Navigate to Global Search
Once that's done, head to the Search field and type in the required search text
Once the search has returned, you can then select Actions and select Export Grid.
The file will be downloaded in a .csv format containing all the return consignments set on the search text field.
The spreadsheet file can now be opened in your preferred program for further analysis and manipulation.
Once you've opened the exported file, the following data or fields include:
CreatedDate - date the consignment was created
TrackingStatus - current consignment status
ConsignmentNumber - MS# of the consignnment created in MachShip
CarrierConsignmentID - Id of the carrier the consignment was booked on
Company - Owning Company of the consignment
CompanyAccountCode - Company abbreviation
FromNameAndLocation - contains the From location name and suburb details
ToNameAndLocation - contains the To location name and suburb details
CarrierAndServiceName - carrier name and service the consignment is booked
Total - consignment total
DespatchDate - consignment set despatch date
Eta - consignment set/expected ETA date
CompletedDate - date of the delivered/completed consignment
CustomerReference - consignment/customer reference field set (Ref1)
CustomerReference2 - consignment/customer reference field set (Ref2)
Attachment Count - file attachment uploaded count (i.e POD etc.)