How to Edit or Update the major fields on a Broker Company

How to Edit or Update the major fields on a Broker Company

Companies in MachShip are the basis by which accounts, permission, and access are separated and maintained. 

What are the major fields required for Editing or Updating your Broker Company?

To Edit or Update a Company -

Navigate to Admin tab and under the Companies section, select View Companies


You will then be directed on the View Companies page, use the general Search text box to locate the company you want to edit.

Once located, click on the cog button in the right corner of the screen and select Edit Company

You will then be directed to the Edit Company page.

The following will describe the major fields when looking to edit or update a Broker Company.


  • Name - This is a free text field which is used to identify the organisation. This field is also sent through to the carriers on pickup requests so it is best to make this as relevant to identifying the organisation as possible. 

  • Account Code MachShip is integrated with several accounting platforms. As such the account code is utilised to match up the accounts for the two platforms. If possible, ensure that these codes match. Note: It can be set to be anything but do take understand that it needs to be unique.


Enable Email Notifications - 
This option will enable the system to send an email notification whenever a notification has been raised or triggered.  

Notification Email Address - this is a free text field where you can assign the email address you want to send the notification to. Otherwise, the notification will be sent to the email set on the Email (used by the system) under the Contact Details section.

Note: You can verify the Email Notification that has been sent via the notification bell on the top right corner of your screen, below sample:

Sample Pickup Booking Email Sent to the email address that has been set to:

The Email Notifications functionality is to send emails for:

Manual Pickup Booking
- Manifest Generation
- Cancellation Request / Important Consignment -  request  sent by Client

Email Tracking Notifications - The Email Tracking Notifications setting allows an admin to configure when and how Advanced Shipping Notices's (ASN's) will be emailed out of the platform.

The options are:

a. Always send tracking notification - Whenever there is an email entered in the delivery email text box when creating a consignment, MachShip will send out the tracking email. 

b. Never send tracking information - The tracking email will never be sent, even when there is an email in the delivery location email text box. 

c. Prompt on consignment creation - Whenever a consignment is created a radio icon will appear below the email text box where a user can set if they wish to send the tracking email or not.



Phone and Fax - These are purely utilised for record-keeping they are not propagated or currently utilised in any part of the Machship system. 

Email (used by the system) - This email will be the email address which MachShip will CC on all email correspondence. This will invariably be Pickup emails but will also be the default receiver of all Posted Invoices. This will only occur if there is no invoice receiver contact created in the Company Contacts. 

Display Email (shown to users) - 
The Display Email indicates the account contact. This is visible when a user clicks on the Company Logo in the top right-hand corner. 


Once clicked, the following link will appear:

ABN, Address line 1, Address Line 2, Suburb: (only required if invoicing) - These are free text fields which are used by MachShip when populating your client invoice. 

The suburb field needs to match a suburb from the MachShip database. When you begin to type either a suburb or a postcode you will see that MachShip will present a list of the possible values. Select the one which is correct.

The sample image below shows the details that have been filled up from the Contact Details on your client invoice:


  • Public Display Name - This will be used if the name you have given to the company in MachShip is not the name which is used when advertising or presenting the company publicly. When this is populated, MachShip will replace all company names on the tracking page with the text in this box. 
  • Tracking Contact Us Company Name - If the company has an outside entity or separate company who manages customer inquiries, you can set that company here. 
  • Support Phone, Support Email, Support Web Address - All of the information which is contained in these text boxes will be shown in the footer of the tracking page. An example of this can be seen below. 

How these fields are displayed can also be controlled via the below dropdowns. 

The dropdowns are:

  • Inherit from Parent - This will take whatever setup there is against the parent account.
  • Always Show - Will always show what is contained in the text box.
  • Hide - Will never show what is contained in the text box.

  • Show Carrier Reference - This will be the carriers consignment number and will be used for your client to directly query a job with the carrier.
  • Show Customer Reference 1 and Show Customer Reference 2. These will be the 2 reference fields against the consignment and could be populated with an order or purchase order number. 
  • Show MS Number - The MS number is MachShip's internal identifier and allows for a unique number for every quote, order, and consignment in the system.
  • Show Items - This will provide a list of the items shipped, the total kilos and cube.

As an example, if you have item information and the system reference set as show the tracking page, it will contain information like the below:



  • Invoice Due Date Type - allow users to set their invoice terms and it is customisable for each client. This is a required field but is only relevant if you are using the invoice component of MachShip. If you don't require the invoice component the suggestion is to set this as End of Month.

    The options are:

    Any Due Date Type which requires a date will result in a second text box appearing where the user can specify the number of days.
  • Invoice Admin Fee - will be applied per invoice which is generated. This can be set per company and is to be put in as a number, ie: there is no need to put the dollar figure. 
  • Invoice Sending Type - When MachShip generates a CSV and a PDF invoice when you are looking to invoice out transport charges. The invoice sending type drop-down will allow a user to be able to specify which of these invoice options you wish to send to each client. 

    The options are:

Note: The default option will be to send both PDF and CSV. 


This section includes:

  • Invoice Number Prefix - intended prefix for the invoice number - i.e INV would be the prefix for the invoice number INV00001
  • Invoice Number Next Number - defines the next invoice number that will be used. i.e if the next available number was 34 then the next invoice would be numbered INV00034
  • Invoice Number Total Length -  Total length of the invoice number. i.e for the invoice number format - INV00001, the total length would be 8 digits. 
  • Invoice Email Address - This will be the email address cc'd onto any financial emails sent from MachShip
  • Payment Instructions - generally this would be a description of how clients would pay for the invoice charges, and an example of this can be seen below:

  • Invoice PDF Disclaimer - This will be a statement which will be shown at the bottom of the financial invoice. This allows brokers to specify the terms of their obligations with the clients and also any other specified terms. 

  • Invoice Logo - desired company logo you want to be added/uploaded on the invoice template.

    Important note: There is no min/max image size preference when uploading, and the image uploaded in the system is being saved as a base64 encoded image. It will automatically resize the image to fit.

  • Navigation Logo - desired company logo you want to show on the top right-hand corner of the page. Clients will see this logo when they logged into the page.

How to Upload Invoice & Navigation Logo

Click on the Upload Invoice Logo button.

The Invoice Image Upload modal will appear, and click on Add Files button or simply drag and drop the image file on the modal screen.

Note: The system only accepts .JPG and .PNG image type format for uploading the logo


Once added, click on the Upload button to proceed with the upload.


You will see a green pop up box on the right side corner of your screen for the successful image logo upload.

Note: The same following steps above can be done when uploading the Navigation Logo.

 Once all required fields are configured, click Save Company.

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