How to Edit an Invoice Template for a Company Broker

How to Edit an Invoice Template for a Company Broker

In MachShip, you have the capability to configure information around disclaimers, payment terms and branding

Note: This will not change the invoice formatted template.

How to Update the Broker Invoice Settings Information

Navigate to Admin tab and select View Companies.

Under the View Companies Page, locate the Parent/Broker company you want the invoice template information to be updated via the Search Text Box.

Once verified, click on the cog button on right side corner of the screen and select Edit Company.

Once you're on the Edit Company Page, navigate to the Broker Invoice Settings and fill in the required information you wish to be printed on your invoice template.

This section includes:
Invoice Number Prefix - intended prefix for the invoice number - i.e INV would be the prefix for the invoice number INV00001
Invoice Number Next Number - defines the next invoice number that will be used. i.e if the next available number was 34 then the next invoice would be numbered INV00034
Invoice Number Total Length -  Total length of the invoice number. i.e for the invoice number format INV00001, the total length would be 8 digits. 
Invoice Email Address - This will be the email address cc'd onto any financial emails sent from MachShip
Payment Instructions - generally this would be a description of how clients would pay for the invoice charges, and an example of this can be seen below:

Invoice PDF Disclaimer - This will be a statement that will be shown at the bottom of the financial invoice. This allows brokers to specify the terms of their obligations with the clients and also any other specified terms. 

Invoice Logo - desired company logo you want to be added/uploaded on the invoice template.

Important note: There is no min/max image size preference when uploading and the image uploaded in the system is being saved as a base64 encoded image. It will automatically resize the image to fit.


Navigation Logo - desired company logo you want to show on the top right-hand corner of the page. Clients will see this logo when they logged into the page.

How to Upload Invoice & Navigation Logo

Click on the Upload Invoice Logo button.

The Invoice Image Upload modal will appear, and click on Add Files button or simply drag and drop the image file on the modal screen.

Note: The system only accepts .JPG and .PNG image type format for uploading the logo

Once added, click on the Upload button to proceed with the upload.

You will see a green pop up box on the right side corner of your screen for the successful image logo upload.


Note: The same following steps above can be done when uploading the Navigation Logo.

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