How to edit a Consignment

How to edit a Consignment

Note: You can only edit a consignment that is unmanifested. Should you need to change a consignment that has been manifested then you will need to contact your Carrier with the consignment details. This is because at this point, the file with the consignment information has already been passed through to the carrier's system and there is no update functionality. 

Once all updates have been made to the Unmanifested Consignment, all labels will need to be reprinted and placed on to the item/s.

How to Navigate to an Edit Consignment Page 

1. Via Unmanifested Consignments Page

To get to the Unmanifested Consignments screen, from the top menu Create/Manage, click Unmanifested Consignments under the Consignments section.

Or you can alternatively use the link here.

Select the Consignment and via the drop-down cog on the right-hand side select edit consignment.


2. Via Searching Consignment

You can also search for the consignment via the search field in top right.

Place the consignment number in the search bar.

Find the relevant consignment.

Via the drop-down cog on the right-hand side select edit consignment.

Editing an Unmanifested Consignment

When editing an Unmanifested Consignment, each change or update will have a different effect on the final Consignment and the process when trying to save the changes/update. 

  • Changing Contact Name, Contact Details, Address or References

Here you are able to edit both Pickup Location and Delivery Location details. When editing the highlighted details in the image below, it will not affect the Route, therefore, you will not need to regenerate and re-price the consignment. 

Once the changes/updates have been made, scroll down and click Update Consignment, this will save all changes.


  • Changing Suburbs, Item details, Date or Time

When changing details regarding the Dates, Times, Suburbs or Items it will have an impact on the pricing and service options that are available.

1. A Change in Suburbs could affect either the from the zone, to zone or the distance that the consignment will need to travel. 

2. Changing the Items will also affect the pricing as certain carriers will only hold certain item types and quantities. An increase/decrease in quantity or measurements will affect the Carrier. They may or may not be able to take the item/s anymore due to size and space.

3. Changes to the Date or Time will affect the local transport service options as well as the ETA date on the consignment. 

Once any of the above changes have been made, MachShip will prompt you to select Generate Routes.

When selected, a new list of new Routes and Prices will be provided. Select the desired carrier/service combination. 


Once the route is selected it will open up with all your details and updated changes. Validate the details on the route and then click Update Consignment to save all changes.


Note: When you finish editing the consignments, please ensure that you reprint any labels.