How to Disable or Re-Enable a Company

How to Disable or Re-Enable a Company

Should you ever need to block access for a company or organisation to MachShip you can disable their company and child company. 

How to navigate to View Companies

Click Admin drop-down, scroll down to the Companies section and select View Companies

If you cannot see the CompanyMachShip has provided a search bar to search for them. This will filter down on Name, Account Code and Parent Company Name

Click on the Cog drop-down, to view options

How to Disable a Company

There are two ways that you may disable a Company in MachShip. 

Method one:

Via the Cog drop-down, select Disable Company

The Disable Company option will appear. Users may then select if they wish to Disable the entire organisation by setting the Children Companies will also be Disabled flag to be Yes or No.  Then to disable the company, select Disable Company

MachShip will then advise that the action was successful and set the status of the company as Disabled 


Method two:

If you are on the Edit or View Company Page, you may Disable the company by selecting the Disable Company flag

The Disable Company option will appear. Users may then select if they wish to Disable the entire organisation by setting the Children Companies will also be Disabled flag to be Yes or No.  Then to disable the company, select Disable Company

MachShip will then advise that the action was successful

What Access does a Disabled Company have

When you Disable a company in MachShip there will be restrictions on the amount of access and functionality you can undertake with that company. 

User Access:

Once a company has been set as Disabled all logged-in users against that company will be immediately logged out of MachShip upon their next action. Any user who attempts to log in to the platform will be taken to a screen indicating that their access has been denied


Users will still be able to successfully impersonate a company that is Disabled. MachShip  will indicate that this company is disabled via the highlighted message at the end of the Impersonation bar 


Quoting and Consigning

Once a company has been placed into a status of Disabled access to directly raise quotes or to generate consignments will be denied. Should a user attempt to run a quote or consignment create call against a disabled company, MachShip will throw an error and advise the user of the below. 

Note: As users directly tied to the disabled company will be automatically logged out and denied further MachShip access. This error will only show to users who have a higher access level to the company. 

Consignment Tracking

MachShip will continue to track any consignments that have been generated against a company that is Disabled 

Reconciliation and Invoicing

Once a company has been set as Disabled, there will still be a need for access to be able to both reconcile and also invoice consignments that these companies created. As such, users will still be able to successfully reconcile any consignments that are linked to disabled companies and also will be able to invoice out these consignments.

MachShip will also allow users to be able to create consignments from unmatched invoice entries and run all repricing calls on consignments that have been created against disabled companies. 


When a Company has been set as Disabled all reports will be available to be run except for the Bulk Quote Report.  This report cannot be run because it is reliant on the availability of pricing. All historical data will still be accessible and any financial reports will contain data for the disabled companies. 

How to Re-Enable a Company

There are two ways that you may Re-Enable a Company in MachShip. 

Method one:

Via the Cog drop-down select Enable Company

The Enable Company option will appear. Users may then select if they wish to Enable the entire organisation by setting the Children Companies will also be Enable flag to be Yes or No.  Then to enable the company select Enable Company

MachShip will then advise that the action was successful and set the status of the company as Enabled


Method two:

If you are on the Edit or View Company Page you may Enable the company by selecting the Enable Company flag

The Enable Company option will appear. Users may then select if they wish to Enable the entire organisation by setting the Children Companies will also be Enabled flag to be Yes or No.  Then to enable the company select Enable Company

MachShip will then advise that the action was successful

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