If you wish to disable access for a company to consign freight on a particular account, you can disable the company carrier account. After an account has been disabled the account will not return when routing, a consignment will not be able to be re-priced and a consignment cannot be cloned on that account.
How to navigate to edit Company Carrier Account Page
Click on Admin and select Company Carrier Account.
From the Manage Company Carrier Account screen, find the Company Carrier Account that you would like to update. MachShip has provided a way to help you narrow down the search using the below filters:
Once you have found the Company Carrier Account, click on the Cog drop-down. Scroll down and select Edit Company Carrier Account.
How to disable the Company Carrier Account
In the top section of this screen, there is a Disable button. Click on No to Change it to Yes.
To save your changes, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Save Company Carrier Account.
A green Company Carrier Account was updated successfully prompt will show in the top right corner of the screen.
Enabling a Company Carrier Account
From this screen, change the Yes to a No on Disable. This will enable the account.
To save your changes, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Save Company Carrier Account.
A green Company Carrier Account was updated successfully prompt will show in the top right corner of the screen.