How to Disable and Enable a User

How to Disable and Enable a User

Should you ever need to block access for a user to MachShip you can disable their username and password. 

How to navigate to View Users

Click Admin drop-down, scroll down to the Users section and select View Users.

If you are unable to see the User, MachShip has provided two ways to search for them:

  1. Company filter - Once you start typing a company's name, MachShip will present a list of options. Select the relevant option from this list. 
  2. General Search - When entering any keywords in this section, MachShip will filter through the list of users and bring up ones that have those keywords.

Click on the Cog drop-down to view options. Scroll down and select Edit User.

How to Disable a User

In the bottom right corner of the screen, you'll find Disable User. Click on Disable User.

A green prompt saying that the user has been enabled will appear in the top right corner of the screen once it has successfully disabled the User.

Click on Save User to save your update.

Note: When Locking a User from MachShip, this feature will not take place effective immediately. It will not log a customer out/off MachShip. The lock takes place once the user has logged out of the system. 

Enabling a User

Follow the instructions above. Once in the Edit User screen, click on Enable User then click Save User

A green prompt saying that the user has been re-enabled will appear in the top right corner of the screen once it has successfully re-enabled the User. Click on Save User to save your update.

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