How to Detach an Individual Invoice Entry

How to Detach an Individual Invoice Entry

Should you have inadvertently matched an invoice entry to the wrong consignment, it is possible to detach just one consignment rather than detaching the whole invoice.

How to navigate to the Manage Invoices page to detach an Individual Invoice Entry

Select Finance and View Carrier Invoices

Select the Applicable Carrier Invoice

Using either the Company or the Carrier filters or alternatively via the search bar, find and select the desired Carrier Invoice. 

Please follow the process outlined below:

1. Click on the cog on the right-hand side and click on View Invoice.

2. You will then get a list of all the invoice entries where you can find the connote you wish to detach. Select the cog and select Detach from Consignment.

This option should allow you to detach just one consignment rather than the whole consignment from the invoice.

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