How to Delete and Undelete a Carrier Invoice Entry from an Invoice

How to Delete and Undelete a Carrier Invoice Entry from an Invoice

An Unmatched Carrier Invoice Entry is an imported carrier invoice entry which does not link up to any MachShip manifested consignment. There are a number of different methods by which a user can deal with these invoice entries, one of which is to delete the invoice entry from the imported invoice file. 

How to Delete an Unmatched Carrier Invoice Entry

Navigate to Finance tab and click on View Carrier Invoices

This will prompt you to the Reconciliation - Manage Invoices page, where you can lookup the invoices. You may fill in the required CompanyCarrier or Search Text Box for the specific invoice you would like to verify.

Once you have verified which invoice you wanted to correct the invalid entries, click on the cog button on the right side of your screen and select View Unmatched Entries.


It will proceed to go to the Reconciliation - Unmatched Entries page, and you'll be able to view all the invalid entry charges. 
To delete an invoice entry, click on the cog button on the right side of your screen and select Delete.


Or you can also do a bulk deletion, by clicking on the mceclip9.png check box on the left side area of your screen.

Click on the cog button beside the Search text box, and choose either Delete Entries - Selected or Delete Entries - All.

A pop-up box modal will appear to confirm the counted carrier invoice entry to be deleted and click Delete Invoice Entries to proceed.


You will see a green box notification on the top right corner of your screen confirming the successful deletion of the invoice entry.

Note: Once you have verify the deleted entries, you will also notice that the Unmatched Entries and the Total Amounts of the invoice are adjusted on the Reconciliation - Manage Invoices page.

How to Undelete/Retrieve the Deleted Carrier Invoice Entry

You can also have the capability to undelete or retrieve the deleted invoice entry. Although, it is important to note that you can only undelete an invoice entry one-by-one.

On the Reconciliation - Unmatched Entries page, select on the cog button on which deleted invoice entry you want to undelete or retrieve.


This will prompt the Undelete Entry modal, select Undelete Entry


You will see a green box notification on the top right corner of your screen confirming the successful retrieval of the deleted invoice entry.

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