The Company Tracking Page is the best way to maintain communication with the end receiver regarding freight movements. Being a dynamic, publicly available webpage, you have the ability to provide a URL link to this page, via both SMS and email. 

In order to allow some flexibility around what information is provided to receivers, the Tracking Page can have its base level information customized to suit your needs. These changes are made through the Edit Company page. Should you not have access to this page please request changes from your Freight Broker or

How to navigate to the Edit Company Page

Select Admin and View Companies.


Search for the company you wish to change the tracking page, select the cog on the right-hand side and the Edit Company option. 



Tracking page customisation

The tracking page section will appear halfway down the Edit Company page and appear as below:

The fields are:

  • Public Display Name

This will be used if the name you have given to the company in MachShip is not the name which is used when advertising or presenting the company publically. When this is populated, MachShip will replace all company names on the tracking page with the text in this box. 

  • Tracking Contact Us Company Name

If the company has an outside entity or separate company who manages customer enquiries, you can set that company here. 

  • Support Phone, Support Email, Support Web Address

All of the information which is contained in these text boxes will be shown in the footer of the tracking page. An example of this can be seen below. 

How these fields are displayed can also be controlled via the below drop downs. 

The drop downs are:

  • Inherit from Parent

This will take whatever setup there is against the parent account.

  • Always Show

Will always show what is contained in the text box.

  • Hide

Will never show what is contained in the text box.

  • Tracking Logo

In order to allow clients and brokers to brand the tracking page, MachShip will allow the uploading of a logo on the Companies page. The upload page will become available as soon as the initial company information is supplied and the company is saved. 

Once you select the save button when creating the company, the screen will refresh and you will have the Upload Tracking Logo button appear. 

To upload the logo select the Upload Tracking Logo button. This will prompt the Tracking Image Upload modal to appear.

Select Add Files, select the file and select the Upload button and then select Close. This will close the modal and the image will be uploaded and appear as below:

  • Consignment Information:

Machship also enables users to provide all or some consignment information to their clients in order to help ensure that mistaken orders or issues can be dealt with before delivery. 

These are:

  • Show Carrier Reference - This will be the internal identifier on the carrier end and will be used on any public tracking pages with the carrier.
  • Show Customer Reference 1 and Show Customer Reference 2. These will be the 2 reference fields against the consignment and could be populated with an order or purchase order number. 
  • Show MS Number - The MS number is MachShip's internal identifier and allows for a unique number for every quote, order, and consignment in the system.
  • Show Items - This will provide a list of the items shipped, the total kilos and cube.


As an example, if you have item information and the system reference set as show the tracking page, it will contain information like the below:


Once complete, Save the company and the information will be updated.